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It feels real although I know I'm asleep, I can hear myself breathing loudly but cannot open my eyes.
I'm thrashing about my room as the men dressed solely in black drag me out of my cell, I scream and protest but they yank at my hair and gag me. My feet drag across the floor, I no longer have use for them, my attempts to free myself become utterly useless.
They're going to do it to me.
Through a frenzy of darkness and walls closing in on me, we reach the room, the blinding white light a sudden contrast, even in my dream I have to squint.
My heart is pounding in my ears.
I resist as they force me onto the chair, binding me down completely. My head is pulled back, strapped so I am facing the cohort of people in front of me. All dressed in black, I recognise two of the faces immediately. Ruby stands, arms crossed, besides Rhys. He has the devils grin on his face, his dark eyes  blacken and he tilts his face. I follow his gaze, my eyes settling on Nayte and Cyran standing in line with the rest. Nayte can help me- he isn't like them- I pull on my restraints trying to get a reaction knowing he would never stand by and watch me go through this. Watch me turn prisoner to them. Instead his face is solemn, his eyes are pools of black, daggering me back into my fate. My vision blurs as I look to them, pleading with my eyes, managing to mouth a helpless 'please'. They do nothing.
The leaders begin to crowd in on me, I lose sight of Nayte and Cyran and I begin to scream their names, my hoarse voice ringing in my ears. As they draw in I feel myself kicking and thrashing, hands cover me, envelope me in their grasp-

I jolt up. My breathing is heavy, I let out loud breaths and run a shaky hand through my sweat ridden hair. I can barely make sense of anything, my mind is a fuzz, a horrible mess. But one thing is for certain, I'm not spending a second longer with the beks.

(hoping to enter this into the wattys2017 so leave ur feedback, much appreciated)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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