The movie began and as it played, Damian was quite confused.

"The animals can talk?" He questioned.

Mar'i nodded. "The animals always talk in Disney movies."

"But animals don't talk."

"Here they do," she insisted.

  Damian attempted to interject again, but Mar'i shushed him.

"Just try to pay attention," she said.

He tried. The movie progressed and Mufasa had just been caught in the middle of a stampede.

Damian leaned forward a bit, suddenly interested.

"The father survives... right?" He asked Mar'i.

His girlfriend went wide-eyed. She hesitated before answering him. "Um..."

Damian turned and stared at her, stunned. "I thought you said this was a children's movie!"

  "It is!" Mar'i responded.

"Then why is there a dead father and a blood-thirsty uncle?"

  Mar'i shrugged. "I don't know. That's just how the story goes. But it's still a kid's movie, so it won't get any worse than that."

"Disturbing," he said. While the plot may have been a tad bit disturbing, he couldn't help but be more intrigued by the movie. He payed closer attention and even found it enjoyable.

    Once the movie had ended, Mar'i turned to him and asked, "So, what'd you think?"

Truthfully, Damian enjoyed it very much. Though it was filled with inaccuracies, he was eventually able to look over them. Cartoons were actually quite interesting.

"...You do have more of these films, correct?"

Mar'i let out a surprised laugh. "You liked it?"

"It was surprisingly enjoyable," Damian admitted, sheepishly.

Mar'i giggled happily and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "See? I told you Disney is the best!" She said.

"Do you want to pick the next one?" Damian asked her.

"Sure," she nodded and got up to open another movie case and place the disc in the DVD player.

"Which did you pick?" He asked her, once she sat back down beside him on the sofa.

"The Little Mermaid," she responded.

  "What is this one about?" He inquired.

"You'll just have to watch to find out," Mar'i told him, moving closer so she could snuggle against his side.

   They watched the movie and Damian didn't have any interjections about it, until Ariel got her legs.

"Wait so how is she going to communicate with the prince? I assume she'll just write it down?"

  "Well, no, she kinda just uses her hands," Mar'i started, gesturing to the TV as Prince Eric tried to decipher Ariel's odd hand motions. "But writing it down would've been smarter, though."

  Damian furrowed his eyebrows, puzzled. "Then how will their relationship work out once she becomes human forever? She must have to write down something, how else would she convey—"

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