He leant forward and crashed his lips onto mine. My eyes instinctively fluttered shut and the feeling in my stomach expanded into something incredible. A feeling I would never get use to but never wanted to leave. I broke into a wide smile which a second later broke the kiss.

I opened my eyes, staring straight at him with a goofy smile, "It looks like you're stuck with me then."

"I'd wish for nothing more." He replied, a large grin stretching across his face.

I let out a chuckle. I took his hand from my face and held it once again, "I should go wake Theo, he doesn't know I'm -- " I paused and corrected myself with a smile, " -- we're home."

"Speaking of, how is my son?" Klaus asked, happiness in his tone.

"Incredible." I replied, "He's just so clever and amazing. And he can't wait to meet you."

Klaus looked slightly surprised, "So he knows who I am?"

"Of course. Klaus, I spoke about you every day since you left, to him. And when he started talking, he did too. Every day he would ask when you were coming home." I replied. I stroked my thumb against the back of his hand, "And I told him "Soon, he's busy saving our family.""

At my words, Klaus smiled but it soon dropped as though he had thought something, "What exactly did you tell him about me?"

I took in a deep breath, "A lot. The good and the bad. I mean, I left out the mass killings because he's five, but I told him a lot. But just like his mom, he only sees the good. Plus, I'm pretty sure he has a toy truck he's been saving to play with you."

"Trucks, huh?" Klaus questioned, with a small grin, "Not a painter?"

I shook my head, "That'd be Hope. She adores it. She's really talented and such a sweetheart. But she's also quite timid."

"Does she know about me too?" Klaus asked.

"She knows who you are and what you are, but I think Hayley held back all the bad, so she has no clue." I replied.

Klaus pushed his back against the headboard again, "What made you tell Theo everything?"

"Two years ago, I went back to Mystic Falls for Caroline and..." I trailed off, remembering that night.

Klaus' brows furrowed in concern, "Cassie? What's wrong?"

I licked my bottom lip, blinking back tears, "It was Caroline and Stefan's wedding. And a lot happened. I tried to keep Theo from seeing the supernatural disasters but it turns out he saw it."

"Saw what?" Klaus asked.

"The fires. The vampires." I told him. I looked down at my hands that were now resting in my lap, "But he didn't see them infront of him with his own eyes. It was in his head."

Klaus fidgeted slightly, facing his body to me, "Cassie, I don't understand?"

"Theo kept saying something was coming and that there was fire and that he was afraid. I thought he wasn't making sense and was just tired but I was wrong. Stefan died, Klaus. And there were two fires in Mystic Falls that night. He knew."

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