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"Dansby no!" I squeal as he flips me off his shoulders after winning our 5 consecutive game of chicken.

After eating we all decided it would be fun to get in the pool with the kids, which of course led to chicken, which lead to Dansby and I beating, his brother Chase and his wife, and sister Lindsey and her husband. "We are the champions, my friends. And we'll keep on fighting till the end." Dansby sings wrapping his arm around me. "Dans and Tae take another one!"

"Alright you don't have to rub it in Dansby." Chase huffs as he climbs out of the water.

"Your just mad you didn't win." Dansby smirks following him out of the pool.

"Boys stop your bickering it's just a game." Nancy scolds making me laugh.

"Hey Taegan come here." Lindsey waves me over.

"What's up?" I ask taking a seat next to her. "Look at this adorable picture I got of you and Dans." She turns her phone showing me a picture of me on Dansby's shoulders.

"Oh my gosh can you send me that?" I ask.

"Yea of course!" She nods as I take a seat next to her. "Do you know how excited he was for us to meet you?"

I nod my head watching him interact with Lily again. "Yea, yall mean so much to him, I was so worried I was going to mess up today."

"Oh please girl we love you. Heck mom has liked you before she even meet you." She laughs.

"Whys that?" I questions leaning my chin on my palm.

"We didn't like Dansby's last girlfriend. She was using him and we could all tell. She broke his heart when she just up and left for Andrelton Simmons because he makes more money." My face screws up at that.

"Ok first of all Simmons is a good player but he's no where near as talented as Dansby and secondly that might actually be the biggest downgrade I've ever heard of." Lindsey laughs and nods.

"Your right about that. But she was his first love so it broke him, until you came along. He seems happier than before." I smile at her words.

"Well I don't know about him but I know I haven't been this happy in a long time. My last relationship was a bad one and I didn't think I would date again but there was just something about Dansby that pulled me in." I admit watching as he throws his head back laughing at something his dad said.

"I'm glad you two found each other." She smiles.

"Me too." I agree as Dansby heads my way.

"Hey babe you ready to go?" He ask placing his hands on the back of my chair.

"Yea." I nod standing up. "I'm so happy I got to meet you Lindsey. We need to go to lunch one day soon." I offer giving her a hug.

"Yes definitely! You have my number just give me a call." She points at the phone in my hand.

"Will do. I'm gonna go say bye to your mom now." I wave letting Dansby lead me back over to his parents.

"Alright we're gonna head out. I need to get this one home for work tomorrow." He wraps his arm around my waist.

"Well it was good to meet you sweety and come around more often you are a joy to be around." She says hugging me.

"Thanks so much for having me. I loved being here." I thank her.

"It was no problem. Y'all be safe driving home now ok?" She waves as Dansby takes my hand.

"We will momma. Bye love you." He kisses her cheek before taking my hand and leading me out to the car.

"I'm posting this picture your sister took of us." I state as he heads down the road to my house.

@taeganzaiser: Reigning champs of chicken💪🏽🐥34,021 likes- 146 comments@megandrews: 99% sure that's my bathing suit🙄@jerezais12: you've still never beat me😏@lindseyswanson: y'all are just to cute@dansbyswanson: winner winner chicken dinner😋

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@taeganzaiser: Reigning champs of chicken💪🏽🐥
34,021 likes- 146 comments
@megandrews: 99% sure that's my bathing suit🙄
@jerezais12: you've still never beat me😏
@lindseyswanson: y'all are just to cute
@dansbyswanson: winner winner chicken dinner😋

"Do you know what I really want to do?" I ask looking up at him.

"What's that?" He questions glancing down at me.

"Go home and cuddle up in bed with my book." I sigh leaning back in my seats.

"Why don't you cuddle up with me instead." He smirks making me roll my eyes.

"Are you staying the night tonight? I don't care I just have to be up at 6 for work." Dansby's face screws up.s

"Why do you have to get up so early?" He pouts.

"8 am meeting." I shrug. I was use to it, once a month we had a meeting early in the morning.

"Would I have to leave when you wake up?" He ask.

"Well no but I can't promise I won't wake you when I'm getting ready." I say kicking my feet up.

"That's fine." He shrugs reaching over and grabbing my hand

"Good." I smile. "I like sleeping next to you."
I sit straight up in bed as a nauseous feeling woke me up. Looking at the clock I'm able to make out 2:13.  Before I can do anything else's I immediately feel like I'm going to throw up so I jump out of bed and sprint to the bathroom. Barley making it to the toilet I throw up everything I had eat for dinner. Sliding down the wall next to me I lean my head back against it closing my eyes.

"Baby?" I open my eyes to see a tired Dansby standing in the doorway. "Are you ok?"

"No." I groan closing my eyes again.

Dansby squats in front of me and places a hand on my head. "Your burning up." He mumbles. He goes to say something else but stops as I lean over the toilet again and empty my stomach.  Dansby reaches down holding my hair back and rubbing my back.

Once I finish I lean back against the wall and groaning. "I'll be right back baby girl." Dansby presses a kiss to my head before walking out of the bathroom.

Pulling myself up from the bathroom floor I manage to make my way to the sink and begin brushing me teeth. Walking back into the bedroom Dansby returns with a Powerade in hand. "Here drink this."

"Mhm I don't think I can." I shake my head pushing the bottle away.

"I know baby, but you need to drink something so you don't get dehydrated." He says rubbing circles on my back. But I just shake my head and push it away.

"Hand me my phone. I need to text my dad." Dansby reaches across the bed pulling my phone off the charger and handing it to me.

After sending a text to my dad telling him I can't come in today I let myself fall back onto my pillow. "Babe please I need you to drink so your not dehydrated." He begs. Knowing he was going to give in I nod taking the Powerade from his hand and drinking some. "Thank you." He leans over kissing me head.

"Can I lay down now?" I mumble.

"Yea come here." He motions for me to move towards him. "Lay on your side." I do as he says and he moves in behind me laying a hand on my stomach and rubbing small circles.

"You're the best." I whisper letting my eyes flutter shut. 

"Just go back to sleep baby girl." He whispers kissing my head again.

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