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They appeared bright and early, well as bright as a winters day could be

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They appeared bright and early, well as bright as a winters day could be.

Vi changed slowly, helping Bella with Renessme before changing into her own black attire. It amuses her, they were going in all black like it was time for a funeral, their funeral. Still she changed, sitting in the tent for less then ten seconds before standing and walking out to Emmett who was waiting for her. He clutched her hand, her eyes roaming from his perfect face to the empty campground the vampires had sat around all night.

"Guess we should get this going." She muttered, attempting to keep her spirits up despite the situation. In all the days since she'd anticipated this, of all the moments that her mind had wrestled with the idea of this very second, she never imagined it would be so serene.

Death wasn't unusual for her, they'd met recently and if today was her final encounter with the reaper then she would not go in darkness, but choose to blast away in a bright glory.

"Wait—" Emmett said, pulling her back as she turned her head back. Her hair swayed across her shoulder as she stilled, questioning just what he was doing.

"Em? They're waiting for us." She muttered, tightening her hold on his hand in hopes he would go forward. The clock was winding down and anytime now the Volturi were expected.

He shuffled around in the pocket of his jeans, pulling his enclosed fist forward before opening her small palm. Delicately he set something down there, Violet confused at the cold material that latched onto her plan until Emmett pulled his hand away to reveal it.

It was 2 thin wedding bands, one slightly thicker then the other and as he reached for the ring enclosed around her neck she realized what what was happening.

"Now darling, I realize that this isn't exactly what your generation calls marriage but I figured impending doom was better then never, and besides I think it's kind of romantic." He muttered, leaning his arms out to unclasp the thin chain around her neck. Quickly he unclasped and revealed the engagement ring he'd given her months ago, smiling brilliantly at her. "I've been thinking about my vows a lot lately and although I hope to extend them in the future, I'll keep it short for now."

Violet felt her chest warm up despite the freezing temperatures, eyes beginning to water as Emmett flipped over her palm and placed her engagement band into place before picking up the thin silver wedding band. He clears his throat, shuffling on his feet for a brief second, making sure the top of her finger aligned with the silver band perfectly. With a grin he began, "from the moment I saw you in those trees, running your perfect ass off without an ounce of fear in your veins I knew that you were meant to show me more then all the centuries I'd lived through. Vi, you are more then my soulmate, you're my sun and I am your moon. I aim to chase after you for all of eternity, wherever you go I will follow even if it is to the world end. You and I, Vi,  we're not a love that can duplicated, and if today means the end of this adventure then know I would have spent a lifetime following after you just like the sun and the moon. I love you Violet Odessa Uley, and with this ring I thee wed."

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