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"You've been quite thoughtful since you let Jake go." Emmett hums, a moment ago he had assumed his mate had fallen asleep dancing with him. She had been so quiet since coming back into his arms, the ghost of a smile gracing her lips. He hadn't thought twice before taking her to dance to some of the gentler music playing by the live band. She had complied, leaning against his chest as his arms wrapped protectively around her. The only reason he hadn't carried her up to their room and let her sleep the entire night was because of the breath of air she had blown out.

"I know..." Vi answered, not lifting her head as she answered. She didn't want to lie to Emmett about what Jacob had said but she also didn't want to see the look go grief and pain cross Emmett's face when she told him just what Jake had said. It was painful enough for her to know and letting him know would jus take things much more complicated. She didn't necessarily want to lie to him so answering as vaguely as possible was her best bet. "It's just Jake said somethings... something about me, like I was going to be hit with more shit soon and I don't have a clue what he means."

"Like?" Emmett pegged her in, genuinely intrigued.

"Like he said I would find somethings out that would piss me off. I have no idea what it could be and besides, not like the wolves are actually calling me in for pack meetings you know? So what the hell could it be?" She questioned, pulling her head back so she could look him in the eyes. Besides what Jake had admitted she was actually quite concerned over his other statement.

"Yeah, that sounds like something we need to be concerned about, tomorrow though. I promise tomorrow we will go down to the reservation and figure this out. They have to talk to you, maybe we can get to Seth before he leaves." Emmett assured her, running the pad of his thumb over her smooth skin where worry lines should appear if she wasn't half immortal.

"Yeah, that's probably for the best. Sorry, I'm ruining the night that's suppose to be fun, I just... I can't help feeling like whatever it is will literally tear me further from the pack and I'm terrified to find out because I have no clue what it could be." She quickly answered, forcing her eyes to stop from glossing over. She didn't want to cause a commotion tonight, certainly not at the wedding. Vi was terrified but it wasn't the appropriate moment to have a meltdown because her powers were also manipulated by her mood and if she didn't stay calm their might be catastrophic repercussions.

"Emmett, Violet." At that exact moment when the female had found her median again they were interrupted. Stone had walked over to them, a small smile on his lips as he looked between the couple. He seemed to be oblivious to their previous conversation. "I am about to go back but I was wondering if I could have a dance with Violet before I left. Best friends duties and all."

Emmett looked at Vi who nodded at him with a tender smile as she came back to one piece. She was quick to react as she stepped forward and grasped at Luthor's extended arm. "I would love to dance with you."

Emmett nodded, sensing that Violet would be okay with his best friend. "I have to go make sure everythings finished for the honeymooners departure so I'll leave you to it. Stone, keep your hands to yourself and no charming my girl, p.s. She might kick your ass."

Emmett disappeared shortly after, Luthor giving the brunette a kind smile as he expertly moved to the beat and led her onward.

"You know, you remind me of someone Violet." He spoke first, keeping the space between them small as he spoke to the girl.

Violet met his eyes, "oh really? Why is that?"

Casually Stone answered, shrugging at first, "call it you both had that same personality, sweet face but sharp tongue. Or maybe it's the love you share with Emmett, I've only even seen love that powerful once before... beyond it all I see Nadia in you because you possess her power. The elemental power."

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