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"So what are you saying, she just left you guys there?" Vi lifted a brow, intrigued by the news Bella had come home with. The newborn had been hunting with her daughter and Jacob when apparently someone from the Denali Coven had shown up.

"Tanya convinced lrina to come reconcile with us. It looks like she changed her mind. Seeing Jacob must have been too much for her." Edward explained to them, he'd just ended a conversation with the other members to the coven. The bronze haired male plopped down next to his daughter on the piano bench, the child leaning further into her father as the mother stood behind them.

Bella purses her lips and dipped her head. "Wish I could have just spoken to her."

Carlisle, who had been leaning against the doorframe into the living room spoke kindly . "She's family. She'll come around."

"Wait? I haven't met them then." Vi questioned, looking at her boyfriend who had his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

Emmett nodded in recognition to her words. "Yeah, they were at the wedding but we all mutually decided it would be best for you to stay as far away from them as possible."


"Because you're you." Jasper cut in with a shrug.

Emmett laughed before clarifying, "he means Irina didn't like wolves from the start because they killed her mate so how do you think you two would do being introduced?"

"Hmm..." Vi responded. "Good point I guess, wouldn't want to have turned the night into Wrestlemania."

Everyone laughed slowly, even Renessme found light in her Aunt Vi's humor. The young child rested her fingers against the keys to the piano, tapping one and then the other. Her father followed suit, knowing she was asking him to play alongside her. The soft melody to the sweet song filled the ears of the family as they all relaxed, enjoying their evening.

They were suppose to embark on a trip to Brazil within a few weeks apparently and then Bella was going to head to Italy with Carlisle. Vi was going with them to the Brazilian trip in hopes to find more about hybrids like her and elementals, and she would hopefully find more information about what Stone had said. The revelations about who she was were burning in the back of her head as she had yet to tell anyone. Partly because she didn't know if she believed any of it and then also because what if it were true? Could people be really after her.

"Vi, where have you run off to." Emmett whispered into her ear, lips barely pressing against her soft skin as she shivered and turned to him.

A coy smile was on his lips as she pressed her lips together and smiled right back to him. "Nothing much, just us."

Emmett pushed back a strand of her hair against her neck, "speaking of us... what do you say if..."

Alice's gasps and the cracking of a vase did not allow him to finish the sentence as every Cullen's eyes were on the psychic who was far away from them.

No one seemed to bother with the vase as they were too concerned with the twist to Alice's face, the fear behind her golden Iris's.

Jasper grasped her between his arms. "What is it, Alice?"

Alice blinked and she was back, at first uttering soundless words until finally she found the strength to fully speak. "The Volturi. They're coming for us. Aro, Caius, Marcus, the Guard. And Irina."

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