Feeling a vibration in his trouser pocket, Mitch pulled out his iPhone and swished the green arrow.

"Mitch Taylor."

"Mitch, it's Angel. If you're not doing anything tomorrow morning, can you call in at my office?"

"What time?"

"Say around ten?"

"Alright then, see you there." Mitch slid his iphone back into his pocket as he listened to Thomas talking to what was probably one of the barmen from a night club.

"Yeah, well could have been a wall-flower, can't confirm, but I can tell you she was a merry in a red dress. Maybe someone tanked her up with some Rohy before taking her out to the toby?"

"Look cop, I'm just paid to serve the drinks," was the reply on the other end of the phone. "There are girls with red dresses in here all the time, and they're all the same."

"Yeah, well, don't try to shade anything from me, or I'll be the busy fellow busting up your boss's chat with a warrant!" Thomas slammed the phone down. "Half these guys take me for a gofor Mitch."

Mitch flipped open his laptop screen. "Let's just hope we get a witness soon."

"We got a probable missing persons report matching the girl's description. I should go down and get a statement." said Brandon with some enthusiasm.

"Parents?" asked Mitch.

"No," responded Brandon in a surprised tone. "Boyfriend."

Mitch made a sweeping motion with his arm, "Well, giddy up then."

Mitch stared at the growing pile of paperwork to his left. People were beginning to walk out of the office. It was 5pm already. "I've got to go Thomas."

"Fancy a pint at the local?"

Mitch patted his stomach, "You know I'm on a health kick Thomas."

Thomas scratched his head, "What are you talking about man; is that some Aussie slang I'm not aware of? Seriously, come out for a few drinks, I've nothing else to do."

Mitch shook his head, "Sorry Thomas, I have to get back to Kate..." Mitch cast his eyes to the floor.

"Aw, go on then, don't worry about me. With any luck, Kath Turner will go out to dinner with me."

Mitch laughed, "That's the funniest thing you've said all day."

Mitch parked his black commodore in front of their Victorian terrace. Recently rendered and renovated, it flowed over 4 levels, and was surprisingly spacious considering what most the other houses in the street had to offer. It had a large garden, 4 bedrooms, attic, basement study, and even a cellar. The cellar had a large wine rack, and used to have an impressive home bar, with just enough room for a poker table that Mitch and his co-workers spent Friday nights playing on. Ever since Mitch started his health kick; at least that's how he used to explain it to people; the bar and poker table had been pushed to the wall, and the empty floor space was filled with gym equipment, along with two tall quality speakers that had been modified to accept his iPhone, enabling him to play his favourite tunes while working out. The bar fridge was still in use, but now stored Powerade and water bottles.

The heavy gunmetal grey security door was a necessary addition. Being a Detective could sometimes make you a special target for criminals seeking revenge. Maybe a relative of some drug dealer you'd put away, or a thief out on parole who's not really concerned about reforming their life, wanted a bit of payback. Maybe some killer you put away for 15 years owed someone else in the underworld a lot of money and they now held you responsible. Either way; better to be safe than shot.

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