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[E D I T E D]

life is simply a mix of mayhem and magnolias, so embrace this gentle riot and gather flowers along the way.

04. Worrisome Winters


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THERE WAS A LONG, AWKWARD SILENCE for a few moments. Katherine Tyler was still stood, slightly behind her older companion, looking at the man in front of them with a mixture of admiration and disbelief. Her eyes had since lit up and she had a small smile on her face that made Elizabeth feel angrier. With the traffic from below their feet echoing around them, the harsh series of breaths from both parties filled the air and the eldest of the two was beginning to feel the draining effect of using her powers. Still, she held her ground. Glaring at Clint Barton, she watched him like a predator.

She was in control now. The tables had turned surely. He was evidentially not going to fight for power over the questioning, something that had not surprised her, and yet he still glared back suspiciously. Although, she couldn't really tell if he was in fact glaring, or if he simply had a stoic thinking face. Either way, the two were in some sort of staring match.

Slowly circling the agent, Elizabeth began to think of what to ask him. She had so many questions, but she didn't want to seem clueless. No matter what, she had to seem as though she knew more than him. That's how you get shit done. Elizabeth knew this, and Clint most likely knew this as well.

His eyes had long since softened. No longer did his iris' hold the steely glint they once had whilst he had been ordering his men. Instead, his whole posture had changed as though he could sense their tension. He was still positioned like a solider, something that would forever be engrained in him, but he seemed more curious than aggressive. Sighing loudly, still slowly sauntering around him, Elizabeth thought of everything that could go wrong. Of course, she had already found six various exits that would work but, this time, she had no desire to run. They had run from this organization for months and this was the first agent who saw any interest into talking to them, so she refused to escape. It didn't help that Elizabeth's chest still felt a longing tug towards the agent, as though her body had been cursed to feel the need to follow the man around, and Elizabeth can't help but wonder if they had been drugged. No, it was impossible; this had happened in the past before, but Elizabeth wasn't willing to think about it.

What were you going to ask us? Out of curiosity, what do you wish to know from us? We know a lot of things, Agent Barton, but your organization seems very determined to get us to tell them something. So what?

She speaks casually, bored even, but Elizabeth was desperate to know. She just wanted them to leave her and Katherine the hell alone so they can get on with their lives. If they kept getting hunted down, others would surely notice. It'd be a matter of time until the men originally after them picks up on the constant sightings of agents chasing girls of their description and when that happens, there's not a place on the world that they could hide.

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