First Day of School

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Aria and Clair P.O.V

Today is our first day of school Oh yeah

Prince: Come on girls

Girls: coming daddy

Aria: Mommy why did you say daddy

Prince bits his lip

Erykah: I will tell you that later

Erykah P.O.V

We took the girls to school and junior

to day care Prince and I have the house to ourselves I jumped on Prince and he spun me around

Erykah: Listen

Prince: What

Erykah: Quite baby quite

We kiss and it turns into a make out session God my phone rang

Erykah: Ugh hello

Roc: Ray is in the hospital

Erykah: What why

Roc: Hey got caught in a gun fight and got shot


Roc: As a heart attack

I bust out crying I dropped the phone

I ran got my keys and drove Prince was in the car holding my hand the whole time

Prince: Erykah what is wrong

Erykah: Ray got shot *I stopped the car* I CAN'T DO THIS

Prince: Can't do what

Erykah: The brother I never had could be dying

Prince: You have two brothers

Erykah: Long lost brothers I grew up with you guys Na'diyah and I lived with you Princeton our whole life I love you all even Prodigy no matter what I love you guys I am just closes

to you and Ray

Prince is crying mean bawling I have seen cry not this much

Prince: I feel the same I....I.........I told him every thing when I started liking you loving you how I felt when I first

met you he is the closest to me

I started to drive again we finally got to the hospital

in Ray's room

Ray: Erykah

Erykah: I am here

Ray: Thanks

Erykah: For

Ray: Coming

Erykah: I am your little sister

Ray: but you are older

Erykah: No I am 29

Ray: See why you always got to lie

Erykah: Shut up Ray

Prince came in and we talked and laughed all night

in the next chapter Ray will be ok

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