I miss the old me.

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Gone are those days,
Those days..those days...those days...
Those days are gone.....

The old me is gone....
Far far away.....
In the chill winds of winter
And am here still in this summer.

Waiting oh waiting....
Watching my old self going far far away......
And here am standing unable to hold it...stop it....or even walk that way.

Those days are gone,
Gone are those days.....
Those days....those days.....
Those days are gone....

The old me is gone,
The smiling me,
The blossoming me,
The blissful me,
The happy me.....
The colorful me......
The old me.

I want that positive soul to come back,
I want that blossoming soul to shine back,
I want that happy soul to spread the joy.....
And cover the sky....high high........

I miss the old me.
Cause those days are gone.......
Gone are those days...........
I miss the soul so much.

The soul with shining power,
The soul with positive vibes,
The soul with blissful face,
The soul with life......

Missing the soul full of life,
So full of life.....
Like she was immortal......
So full of life.....
Ready to brighten the sky,
High.......so high......

Missing the old me,
Those days are gone.....
Gone are those days.......
I miss the old me.....

I miss that soul so full of life.....
The immortal soul......

Those days are gone.....
Gone are those days.....
Far far away......

Far far away

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