6 - Devon, Genius

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When I woke up, Devon had already made breakfast and placed it on our small table. "There was an announcement a few minutes ago, five minutes until the assembly. Eat fast!" 

We downed the food (eggs and biscuits) and then quickly got dressed, running into the meeting room just as the bell rang. I saw Alex, Maren, Sarah and Desire sitting in the back, so we went to join them. I noticed that Desire had strange lavender eyes that seemed to change every few minutes into blue and then back into lavender. Probably just the light. 

Principal VonHauffen stood up and walked over to the microphone. "Good morning, McIntyre High. I know that we are all saddened by what happened a few days ago, but we are not going to let that dampen our thirst for knowledge this year. Remember that no one is to leave the buildings unless accompanied by an adult or by teh permission of an adult." 

He talked for a long time about this and that, and then had the teachers stand up and take their first period classes out. Devon and I were in the same first period class, Ms. Schlachenfer's science class. 

Devon insisted on a desk in the front, and I soon found out why. Every single time Ms. Schlachenfer asked a question, Devon had an answer. Eventually Ms. Schlachenfer sent her out of the class with all of the tests for the year to see about placing her in senior classes. Before the class was done, Devon was back with all of the tests done. 

The bell rang and I soon found out that she was just as good at all of the other classes. In P.E. she was the fastest, in art she had extraordinary talent and in all of the academic classes she was the best. 

By the end of the  day I found out that she was now in senior classes, but she insisted on staying in as many classes with me as she could. So we now had art, P.E. and theater together. I asked her how she was so good, and she just shrugged and said, "I guess it's the home schooling." 

I wasn't sure if I believed her, though, because all of her siblings were average, if that. I heard from one of my friends that Maren said that Texas was part in Mexico at one point in the day. Alex was fairly indifferent to everthing in all of the classes that we had together, but I heard that Sarah was amazing at everything just like her older sister. 

After school was free time on Fridays, so I decided to take Devon and her brother and sisters to ice cream at my favorite place. 

"Come on, Devon. It'll be my treat." 

Devon shook her head. "Really, Emony, we have plans. We have to go home to see our family."

I frowned. "Please? For me?"

"I don't want to do it, okay?" She snapped. 

I turned away. "Sorry, Devon. Enjoy your weekend." 

We walked away to seperate buses, off to our own weekends. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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