5 - Meeting Devon and Emony

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I was sitting on the bus when we stopped in front of an old, broken down house that I had never seen before and five kids climbed on the bus, four girls and a guy. Three of the girls and the guy sat down in the front rows, but the fourth girl looked around and couldn't find anywhere to sit, so I motioned her over to my chair. 

"Hi, I'm Emony. Are you new?" She nodded as she sat down and the bus started. 

"My name's Devon." She said. "Those are my adopted siblings, except for Maren, she's my actual sister. Alex is the guy, the little one is Maren, the one with dark brown hair is Sarah, and the light haired girl is Desire." 

I nodded. "Nice to meet you. Are you a sophmore?" She nodded. "Good, I am too. Are any of your siblings a sophmore?" 

"Just Alex. Maren is a freshman, and Sarah and Desire are juniors." We continued talking for the entire bus ride, but I noticed that her eyes kept darting around nervously as if she expected someone to attack her at any moment. I suppose that with the Town Square accident, everyone is a little on edge. 

When we arrived at school, Alex and Devon went with me as the other kids went their seperate ways. I found out that Devon was my roommate, so we went up to get settled. 

"Did you see the news about the Town Square? I heard that the cleanup took over a day, and 548 people were killed, and they haven't counted the injured yet." I heard Devon mention one of the things that I had been trying to ignore this whole time, and I choked down a sob. 

"My dad worked for the news station, and he was there. He wasn't killed in the freeze, but that girl, Ever, she killed him painfully and slowly, and I was watching." I started crying, and then felt her hand on my shoulder. "I am going to kill that girl one day, and then I don't care what happens after that. My father did nothing, nothing, and yet he was killed with a flick of her wing." 

Devon looked uncomfortable, so I stopped talking. She held me as I cried for the next few minutes, and then got up, turning on our small TV. "Here's a movie that I always watch when I'm feeling sad." She said, turning it to High School Musical. I had watched it the summer before, but I still liked it. Devon brought me a cup of hot chocolate and we spent the rest of the night watching movies, eating cookies and drinking hot chocolate. 

As we went to sleep, I whispered, "Good night, Devon. Thank you so much." 

" 'Night Emony." 


What Emony didn't hear was Ever whisper, "Thank you, for showing me normal."

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