chapter 4: My Dinner with Ren and Stimpy

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Soon enough, dinner was ready for everybody and Stimpy set the table, he then rang a triangle instrument to get everyone's attention.

"Spaghetti with sauce and chicken," Daisy Belle noticed. "That's a new one on me."

"I made it myself." Stimpy smiled.

Squeaky disinfected her food before eating.

"You like to clean a lot, Aunt Squeaky." Makayla giggled.

"Oh, I have OCD, dear." Squeaky smiled.

"What's that?" Makayla asked.

"Oh, it's a medical condition," Squeaky smiled. "I just have the need to clean everything and everyone."

"You were born with it?" Makayla asked.

"My parents say so," Squeaky replied. "Everybody has something that makes them special though, sweetie."

"Like me too?" Makayla asked.

"Of course, do you have any special talents?" Squeaky smiled. "Like, what do you like to do for fun?"

"Hmm... Well, I enjoy making jewelry out of beads and I'm good at arts and crafts." Makayla said.

"That sounds lovely, dear." Squeaky smiled.

"I wish I had a talent..." Daisy Belle sighed as she ate her dinner.

"Oh, I'm sure you have one," Makayla encouraged. "My mommy always told me that everyone has a talent inside of them."

"Everyone except me..." Daisy Belle sighed. "This girl at my school Kitty thinks she's so great... She's on the honor roll, she's won the talent show since first grade, she's been elected as Homecoming Queen and she's not even a senior... I bet it's because my parents are insane that no one likes me."

"I like you." Makayla said.

"You're sweet." Daisy Belle smiled.

"I'm sure your parents aren't that bad," Makayla smiled back. "You're going camping, why don't we come with you?"

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Daisy Belle murmured.

"Can we go, Uncle Ren?" Makayla asked. "Please, please, please, please."

"Well..." Ren thought about it. "I guess it can't hurt... How bad can your parents be, Daisy Belle?"

"Famous last words..." Daisy Belle muttered while she finished her dinner. "Oh, that was so good."

"Want some more?" Stimpy offered. "I've made plenty."

"Just a little bit more, I need to watch my girlish figure." Daisy Belle smiled.

"Hey, me too!" Stimpy smiled back.

Daisy Belle blinked and smiled sheepishly in return.

"Uncle Stimpy's funny." Makayla giggled.

"I can tell." Daisy Belle replied.

Stimpy served Daisy Belle some more food.

"Thanks, Stimpy." Daisy Belle smiled as she then ate the rest of her dinner before she would be done for the night.

"Daisy Belle, do you like My Little Pony?" Makayla asked.

"Eh, sometimes," Daisy Belle shrugged with a small smile. "I really like Twilight Sparkle."

"My favorite is Rarity," Makayla said. "She's my favorite next to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy."

"Pinkie Pie's funny." Daisy Belle giggled.

"Aren't you too old for My Little Pony?" Ren asked Daisy Belle.

"Don't judge me, man." Daisy Belle warned as she finished up her dinner.

Soon enough, dinner was over and Daisy Belle was on her way home which made Makayla sad at first. Daisy Belle was also sad as she had to leave her very first friend.

"Can't she stay?" Makayla pouted before yawning.

"It's pretty late for someone your age to be awake, Makayla," Ren told his niece. "Whatya say we get you ready for bed? You'll see Daisy Belle again soon."

"All right, Uncle Ren," Makayla replied. "I feel like I made a friend over here."

"That's nice, dear, now, let's get you to bed." Ren smiled.

Makayla smiled back. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and got into her pajamas and fell straight asleep due to a long day.

"Sleep tight..." Ren smiled as he turned out the light and shut the door, but put on a night light just in case and when he came down the hallway, the phone started to ring. "Hello?"

'Hi, Ren, did Makayla get there okay?' Sharon's voice asked her brother.

"Oh, yes, she did," Ren replied. "She's in bed right now."

'Oh, I'm sorry I missed her, it was a long ride though,' Sharon said. 'Does she like it there okay?'

"Sure, she does, in fact, she even made a friend." Ren informed.

'That's great!' Sharon beamed. 'Oh, I miss her already...'

"Is Adrian there?" Ren asked.

'I think he said he wanted to get some milk.' Sharon replied.

"How come he doesn't come by?" Ren asked.

'I don't know,' Sharon sighed. 'I guess he's always busy.'

"I guess so..." Ren sighed. "I miss you a lot, Sharon, it's nice to have Makayla here though, she reminds me of you when we were little."

'I miss you too and I promise you that I will come over there and see you.' Sharon promised.

"Aw, Sharon, you're a sweetheart." Ren smiled.

'Why, thank you.' Sharon giggled.

Stimpy cleaned up everything and decided to go to bed, he waved to Ren on the way to their bedroom. Squeaky went home as well and give Ren a kiss good night and left. Ren chuckled, he soon hung up with Sharon and went to bed after a long evening together with Makayla. The fun for the summer was just beginning.

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