Chapter 17: Hahi! Shock-desu!

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Haru suddenly slapped Hiro across the face with a furious expression. Tsuna flinched in shock, 'Eh? What happened?!'.

(That's what he get for spacing out.)

"How dare you taint a baby's heart?! A child heart is pure and kind! You monster!" Haru shouted with tears coming from his eyes.

Hiro clenched his teeth and glared furiously at Haru. Tsuna immediately clasped Hiro's shoulder with both fear and worryeyes. He know what will Hiro was going to do. Hiro's arm slightly tensing, his hands clenching and him adjusting his foot. 

Tsuna gulped. He know that Hiro was thinking about punching the girl. Hiro glared at Tsuna and pushed him away before angrily walking off. 

Tsuna stared at Hiro's back and sighed after a few seconds.

"Are you also like him?!" Haru shouted at Tsuna breaking him out of trace. Tsuna sweatdropped and shook his head and raising his hands in a surrender motion. 

"Haru doesn't believe you." She raised  her hand, bringing it down to Tsuna's face. 


Tsuna loses his footing, landing on his butt. Tsuna stared at Haru in shock and as if on cue...

"You stupid woman! How dare you slap, Tsuna-sama?!" Tsuna stared at the said person who was coming at his direction quite fast with a certain happy-go-lucky idiot in tow.

Once Hayato arrived at the side of Tsuna, he immediately kneeled beside him and Hayato lifted Tsuna's chin, moving it to the side to check the slight bruised. 

Hayato clenched his teeth seeing the injured face of his Sky. Hayato glared at Haru who backed away but held her ground.

"You damn woman--" Hayato brought out his dynamites but stopped when Tsuna gripped his arm and Yamamoto on the other.

"Calm Down, Haya-chan!" Takeshi told Hayato with a bright smile before turning to Haru with a bright smile.


Okay, maybe too bright.

"But...may ask you not to do it again? Haru-san." Takeshi said. For the past few days they spend together, he managed to grow attached to Tsuna and seeing his friend get hurt, pisses him off.

He's his first TRUE friend after all.

Haru gulped. "But...H-he was corrupting the baby! I can't let it past!"

Takeshi laughed, "Okay okay! I understand. But it was a misunderstanding! Tsuna wouldn't hurt anybody!" Takeshi pointed at Tsuna who was still seated at the floor and is trying to let Gokudera stop from putting some ointment in his cheek. "Does he look like he could uh...curo-no-- Corrupt? Yeah. Corrupt a baby?"

Tsuna looked up just in time. He blinked and tilted his head with a question mark above.

'Eh? What are they talking about...?' He thought.

Haru blushed. Her heartbeat getting quicker. Face getting redder every second she stares at Tsuna's (Cute) Face.

"Y-yeah. I guess your r-right. H-H-Haru is sorry for slapping you!" Haru bowed. Tsuna stood up dusting his clothes and smiled at Haru, waving his hand saying he doesn't mind. Haru looked at him with a blush in her face.

Tsuna stepped back and sweated. 'I got a VERY bad feeling about this.'

"M-my name is Miura Haru-desu. Nice to meet you um..." Haru trailed off, not knowing the person in front of her. Tsuna smiled and brought out a notepad. 

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