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Chapter Two:

I decided to put the weird encounter with David Tennant behind me and focus on this afternoon's audition. My manager had informed me that he had got me an amazing audition that I was going to love but he wouldn't give me any details aside from some lines that didn't make sense out of context. I was excited, nearly bouncing off the walls with nervous energy as I waited for my audition at the BBC Studios. Yes I could be starring in television. The lady at the front desk called my name and told me it was my turn to go in. I picked up my bag and shot Macy a smile. She held up both her thumbs a massive smile on her face, "Break a leg Kiddo." I strode into the audition room feeling confident. Always best to look like you knew what you were doing. Fake it till you make it and all that. I stopped in front of the panel of casting members, producers, directors etc.

"Hello, my name is Zoe Griffin and I am auditioning for the role of the companion," I told them smiling. Remember Zoe, smile, look confident and enjoy yourself.

"Nice to meet you Zoe, I'm Russell T Davies the writer," He said smiling. Oh. My. God. Was I about to audition to be the new companion on Doctor Who? I quickly concealed my excitement and willed myself to calm down. No need to get too excited, just do what was rehearsed and you will be fine.

"Where has he got to? So sorry about this Zoe we let him out on a break and he hasn't come back." I didn't know who they were talking about but I assumed it was the cast member I was going to do my lines with. I didn't know it was going to be him. I wasn't sure who I expected to run lines with but as soon as he walked into the room I nearly fainted. It was David Tennant. Again. He smiled at me in recollection but didn't acknowledge that he knew me which I was grateful for.

"Ahh David there you are, I was beginning to worry," Mr Davies said good naturedly.

"Sorry about that Russell, got caught up," He replied laughing. They seemed to be sharing an inside joke that I didn't understand.

"Well let's get started. Zoe whenever you are ready."

"Allons-y," David whispered. I grinned at him understanding the reference.

"Where are we?" I asked instantly slipping into character.

"19th century London, I think it's about 1860. Ooh we could go and see a play, melodrama is popular at the moment," He replied in his British Doctor Who accent.

"What are we doing in 19th century London? I'm meant to be going to my brothers wedding in two hours. How did we even get here?"

"Well that is a good question. How are you here? I don't remember picking you up on the way." The scene continued and our chemistry between the two characters was obvious. We just clicked.

"Well, that was rather good. Thank you Zoe, please step outside and we will get back to you once all the auditions have been completed." I smiled at David before leaving who caught my arm just before I left.

"You were amazing, best audition I have seen all day," He whispered into my ear.

I could smell his cologne and the faint hint of mint.

"Thank you, enjoy the rest of your auditions," I thanked him my cheeks turning scarlet.

"I'll try," He smiled winking. I walked out of the audition room and into a separate room with everyone who had already been and Macy who was waiting for me. She grinned and waved me over, "How was it?" She asked excitedly.

"Oh my god Macy, you would not believe what I just auditioned for and who I just met!" I told her jumping up and down in excitement.

"Oh I do, how do you think Henry found out about this audition?" She said smirking.

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