4: Attacked

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Jerome POV

Jason and I were walking to the clearing when I saw a black blur in the corner of my eye. "Did you see that?" I asked the miner, hiding the fear in my voice. He shook his head, and kept walking. I started to follow, but my fluffy ears caught caught the snapping of a twig. Jason heard it too. We started to walk faster.

We stopped as we heard a blood curdling roar come from the direction of the clearing. "What was that?!" I exclaimed, both of us starting to run. "I think *pant* that was Ty," he responded, out of breath. We ran faster as we started to hear swords clash.

"OH MY GOD!" I screeched as we broke through the bushes and saw the battle ground that had become of the camp.

There were at least 20, armored guys fighting our friends. They had iron armor and a helmet that covered their entire faces with a T to see through. They were all on foot but one who was on a horse.

He had armor made of a blackish-grey material. His helmet had spikes along the top, the tallest having a small metal skull. skulls decorated other parts of the armor as well. His arm was extended, holding a long diamond sword. The thing that made him stand out the most though was his glowing blue eyes that had a lighter blue mist billowing from them.

Knowing that he was the leader, I pulled out my diamond axe and ran straight at him. Jason went to help the others, shooting red lasers at the soldiers. Mitch was firing arrows at them taking 5 down, but had to switch to a melee weapon as two more charged at him. Adam was standing to his right in front of two soldiers, his budder sword flashing. It took a while to find Ty but when I did I instantly changed directions. I sprinted on all fours toward my friend knocking soldiers feet from under them in the process.

Ty was curled up in a ball, 3 men hacking at his wings which were wrapped around him. He looked like a purple and black cocoon. I got there so fast, I literally broke the sound barrier ( bacca can literally move that fast). I pounced on the back of a armored man, breaking his neck with the force of the jump. I leaped to the next combatant who barely had enough time to get scared before I slashed his chest to pieces. He tried to scream in pain but fell still in a few seconds. I didn't care. They hurt my friends I hurt them worse.

I sped to the last soldier, who had enough time to pull his sword out. I still rushed at him, animal instincts taking over. The guy rushed toward me, But I took back control of my mind and got up on 2 legs, grabbing my axe from my mouth. I hacked at his sword but he managed to slash my arm before I could decapitate him. The rush of the battle made the pain a dull throb.

Once my vision cleared up I noticed that the soldiers(only 4 now) were retreating to into the forest. The leader was standing by his horse and moving to the front of the group, his long sword sword pulled out. Adam moved to the front of or group to face him. I stood right beside him. The leader looked me up and down though I couldn't make out his exprecion because of the mask.

"What are you supposed to be?" That question drove all of my self control over the edge. I lunged at the man knocking the sword out of his hand. Before I could react a potion hit me on the back of the head. My vision started to become blurry and darkened but before I completely black out I managed to slash a rent into the guy's stomach armor. My claws dug into soft flesh creating a spurt blood. I enter the darkness with a satisfied smile on my face as I passed out.

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