Chapter 4

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Sam's POV:

She's absolutely beautiful. Stunning if you ask Luke. Gorgeous if you ask Dylan. And a complete ugly whore if you ask Katy. Cailtlyn has gotten lots of threats from Katy and her minions. We always disregard them but Cait takes them personal. Sometimes when she stays the night at my place I'll wake up to her not beside me. I'll walk around the house till I find her. Sometimes she's in a corner, others in a closet. Once I even found her under my bed on her side with tear stained cheeks.

The only reason Katy does this to her is because she's jealous of all the attention she gets from us. And the fact that all 3 of us guys take a stronger liking to her than she thinks. I for one have had a crush on her since primary. The year we met Luke. Dylan has liked her since first grade and Luke came to me in grade 4 saying he had a crush on Caitlyn.

I always wonder who she would pick. She met Dylan first but she told me the other week that her mother abuses her and I'm the first and only one who knows about it. I completely freaked out but she begged me not to tell anyone. I was also the first one she told about what happened with her dad. I flipped about that one too.

I have wanted both her parents gone for a while. I knew her mother was up to no good. And the fact that she doesn't feed her pisses me off. My parents are so they go out alot. Even to go to foreign country's to check up on the hotels there. When they do go I take mine and Caitlyn's weekends and we go to my parents cabin. She always has fun when we go. I have a fourwheeler out there so I take her out for a drive.

We have certain weekends that we get to have with Caitlyn. Me and Dylan have 2 weekends when there are 5 weeks in a month. And if there are only 4 we each get one and spend the other weekend as a group.

At this point I know it's not just a little crush I have on Caitlyn. I'm in love with her.I realized that 2 years ago.  

Today we all stayed at my place for the night and we have school in the morning. We were watching t.v. when Caitlyn fell asleep on my chest.

"Hey I'm gonna take her to bed and go myself. You guys can sleep down here or in the guest room. And in the morning if me or Cait aren't up by 6:30 please wake us up. Oh and it's not my turn to cook. Night guys." I said lifting Caitlyn up gently.

"Okay night." They said in unsion.

The 4 musketeers and then oneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon