Chapter 20: If You Can't Fix It, Then Mix It

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For a moment, time stood perfectly still—and I was somehow outside of myself,  looking at of the four of us through a clear, newly crafted lens.

There, standing on those front steps like an inarticulate fool—that was me, holding my breath and counting each bleeding second that had threatened to pass. And as if I needed any more reason to feel nervous, in front of me Dez just stood . . . blinking, his lips parting slightly, eyes slowly licking over me in a way that made my already burning cheeks feel impossibly hotter.

His gaze traveled from my heels to the fitted navy blue dress—up to the curls that fell loosely from my updo—and back down again. I wasn't sure whether he was surprised by my attire or by my presence. Perhaps both.

Beside him was Gina, with that still welcoming smile on her face, warm brown eyes that I'd never realized had been so familiar . . . until I looked at Lewis and realized that I'd seen them countless times before. Lewis—who was looking between the two of us with so much confusion written in his own, equally brown eyes.

And that was when everything that Dez had previously mentioned about him finally clicked into place—like the last, mockingly obvious pieces of a puzzle:

When Dez and I had met up at the park in an effort to get Hannah and Lewis back together, I'd suggested my own town, Veranda Grove, as the meeting place. But Dez had said no —"Lewis's cousin lives over there. He knows the area too well."

And just two days ago, when Dez had mentioned Lewis's parents leaving for a mission trip for two entire months—"They either sent him to his aunt's house or have his aunt stay with him."

Every seemingly insignificant word came rushing back to me like water bursting through a dam. It was only then that I realized those words hadn't been insignificant at all—because if any of it was true, and if Lewis was staying with Gina and not the other way around, then it meant he was now going to be my next door neighbor. For the next two months.

Time resumed its ticking.

"Aunt G. How do you two know each other?"

"Us?" Gina looked from me to her nephew. Her nephew. "Well, Lyra is my next door neigh—"

"Neighbor's house sitter!" I nodded, only seeing the bewilderment take hold of her face for a second before I turned to Dez and Lewis, willing my expression into casual surprise.

House-sitter? My panicked brain couldn't come up with anything better than house-sitter?

I went on, "When my schedule is slow at the bookstore, I sometimes work for the house next door. I had no idea your aunt lived right here! Wow. It really is a small world, right Gina?"

I smiled at her, hoping she had pieced enough together to know that I needed her to play along. She only stared at me for half a second before she nodded—though not without giving me a look that said I had some heavy explaining to do later.

Lewis seemed to buy my lie enough and didn't question it further. But Dez . . .

He folded his solid arms across his chest, a disbelieving glint in his eye. "You house-sit looking like that?"

Lewis and Gina's gazes both flew to my dress and heels, the same question raising their brows.

I prayed to god that they mistook my blush for makeup. "Not usually, but the owner of the house is going out for some fancy dinner tonight and invited all of the staff to celebrate. Something about his firm closing a huge deal. It's a little much if you ask me, but . . . rich people, ya know?" I rolled my eyes before grinning innocently at Gina. "No offense, Gina."

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