Chapter 6: The Last Pair

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As class settled, I took my seat beside Dez. He didn't speak to me, didn't even bother to acknowledge my presence. He kept his eyes forward, his broad shoulders stiff as he made a point to ignore me. I decided to swallow my pride and break the silence first.

"Dez, listen—"

He turned to face me, and I was surprised that it was a smile—not a glare—that veiled his striking face. "How are you, Peacock?"

"Uh, fine I guess." I furrowed my brows, not quite believing this was the same Dez who had walked into the room only moments ago. "You?"

"Honestly, could be better." He sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "I had to get my schedule changed in order to fit baseball practices in the morning. I didn't have enough time to run straight from practice to get to a first period lab. The only other lab available was this one."


"They said I got lucky. There was one person left in the class who didn't have a partner." Dez shrugged, bringing his gaze to the whiteboard as he copied down the objectives for the experiment. "If I'd known who that partner was going to be, of course, I'd have never agreed."

I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but it sure as hell wasn't that.

"Then go back to your old schedule," I spat, barely able to keep my suddenly coursing anger restrained. Screw what my dad said about judging Dez too harshly. 

"Believe me, if I had a choice, I wouldn't hesitate," he said.

Before I could respond, Mr. Matthews announced the lab for the day's class and dismissed us to begin. He grunted something inaudible before turning back to his computer. Whatever it was, it seemed today wasn't the exactly best day for him. That made two of us.

I used the opportunity to get some space from Dez and walked to the back of the room to get my goggles and gloves. But as I reached for the gloves, Dez reached for the last pair and held them up for me. Eyeing them for a moment, I wondered if he'd somehow managed to slip some itching powder in them without me noticing—before deciding I didn't care. I needed to pass this class, and unfortunately, I'd have to do that with Dez now by my side. 

Just as I reached for them he sidled swiftly out of my reach, taking the gloves with him and handing them to a giggling blonde at the table in front of ours.

"Last pair for the most gorgeous girl in the room." He smiled in a way I'd yet to see him do, in a way that was careless but somehow equally seductive—his gaze promising a hundred different things as he looked at her, and only her. My chest tightened. That wasn't the face of the boy I'd met at the bookstore or the boy who'd followed me into the woods to make sure I was okay. That was the face of the school's biggest player, the irresistible Desmond Warren.

The girl thanked him before blushing uncontrollably. Dez smiled in satisfaction as he made his way back to our table.

I shook my head as he once again stood beside me. "Jerk."


"Is everything okay over here, Miss Callaway? Mr. Warren?" I didn't realize Mr. Matthews was standing behind us until his voice had caused me to nearly jump out of my skin.

"Everything's great." Dez threw his muscled arm over my shoulder and pulled me into him. "I think we're going to get along great. Isn't that right, Peac—Lyra?"

Mr. Matthews arched a brow.

I nodded, throwing my arm around Dez's waist and digging my nails into his side.

"Yes, Mr. Matthews. Looking forward to having a partner." I squeezed harder. Dez muttered a curse but covered it up with a smile.

Mr. Matthews gave us a wary look before he walked away, muttering something that sounded a lot like, "Good luck."

In Between the Linesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें