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Lexi finished work just after 2pm and headed straight for Waitrose. Roxanne had been at a meeting in Leicester and Sarah was doing the afternoon shift as she was doing their late-night shopping evening. It had been very quiet, so Lexi had used the time to help out Roxanne by writing up the rotas for the following month. She had then spent an hour online looking at recipes to cook something nice for them that evening, before settling on a relatively easy menu which wouldn't involve too much complicated cooking.

She was home by 4pm and after a leisurely bath and a read in the bath whilst she soaked, she went downstairs and made a start on their dinner.

Slamming the door, Jason walked down the hallway. He sniffed appreciatively, poking his head around the kitchen door. 'Mmm... something smells nice. What are you up to?'

'Cooking.' Lexi replied, smiling at him as she wiped her hands on her apron. 'I thought as you've not got a performance tonight I'd cook us something nice.' Catching the look flit across his face, she giggled. 'Yes, I know I'm not exactly the world's best cook, but I thought I'd give it a go. Was the gym ok?'

'Yeah, my back feels much better now I've stretched it out. I twisted it last night and it's been twinging all day. So, what are we having?' He said, changing the subject and peering into the bubbling pot on the hob.

'It's a surprise.' Lexi tapped her nose secretively 'Now, you go up and have a shower and get changed into something a little smarter and then I'll dish up dinner.' She cast her eye over his sweaty gym gear, shooing him out of the kitchen as she did so.

Jason disappeared up the stairs, smiling to himself that Lexi certainly seemed a lot more energised than she had over the last couple of days. He swiftly showered, washing his hair using Lexi's shampoo and was back downstairs within twenty minutes. Walking into the kitchen, Lexi handed him a glass of red wine and gave him an impish grin before kissing him lightly on the lips.

'So what's this in aid of then?' he asked, curiosity running through his voice as he took a sip of his wine.

'Date night.' Lexi said simply, moving him out of her way as he managed to walk right in front of her, such was his interest in what she was cooking in the pots.

'What's Date Night?' he asked, wondering if that's exactly what it was.

'Well, I thought I'd cook us something nice and we can have a proper chat. Just like a date. I'm aware that we've been a bit like ships passing in the night in the last week or so. Dee said her and Gary do this now and then when they need to re-connect with each other, so I thought I'd make an effort tonight, seeing as you're not performing.'

'Good idea. Do you need a hand?'

'No, I'm nearly done. You just relax.' she kissed him, softly squeezing his bottom as she did so.

Jason watched her as she busied herself around the kitchen, thinking that she looked really happy and relaxed as she sliced a canteloupe melon into thin slices. She expertly arranged them onto two plates along with some parma ham on one plate and handed them to Jason. 'You take those into the dining room and I'll be with you in a second.'

Pushing open the dining room door, Jason cast his eyes around the room. He could see that Lexi had lit candles around the room and had carefully laid the table with crisp, white linen and their best cutlery and crockery. Adele was singing softly through the speakers and there were fresh flowers in a vase on the fireplace.

The conversation during dinner flowed. Jason laughingly told Lexi about Mark and Howard getting stuck on OM and Howard changing the words to Never Forget as he tried to cover up how ill at ease he really felt about being stuck up there. Lexi discussed her plans for the last few bits she wanted to get for the baby, when she went on maternity leave in around three weeks time. They enjoyed Parma Ham with Melon, Lexi just having the melon part of it as she wasn't too sure whether Parma Ham counted as raw meat. The starter was followed by Sweet and Sour chicken and then a Fresh fruit salad with cream.

'Mmm that was delicious.' Jason remarked, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his stomach contentedly. 'Thank you.'

'You're welcome.' Lexi replied, blushing prettily.

'You're turning into a decent cook.' He mused, looking at their empty plates. 'But then, I taught you everything you know,' he fixed her with a cheeky grin.

'Arrogant sod!' Lexi flicked her linen serviette his way. 'You so did not! I'm just a naturally talented cook, it turns out.'

'Hmm... and not just talented at cooking either. I can think of one or two other things you're particularly good at.' Jason teased, sticking his tongue out at her. 'So, tell me... this Date Night thing. How does it work when you've eaten? Do I seduce you or is that classed as a one night stand as it's our first date?'

Lexi pretended to think for a moment. 'Well, if I allow you to seduce me will you think me easy?'

'It's a bit late for that don't you think?' Jason gestured towards her belly. 'I'd say you're definitely easy. You only have to look at the evidence staring us both in the face.' He smirked at the look of mock indignation which crossed her face.

'You can hardly miss it now, eh?' She looked down at her belly, her hand instinctively cradling the bottom of it.

'Nope. No-one can mistake that for too many pies, that's for sure.' He agreed, pushing his plate out of the way and standing up to walk over to where Lexi sat. Pulling her out of her seat, he turned the sound up and grinned at her. 'Would you like to dance?'

Lexi nodded, letting Jason slowly lead. Encirling her waist with his arm he pulled her close to him as best he could and they slowly danced to Adele, his lips pressed close to her head. 'Lex, you don't know how much I love you,' he whispered into her ear, his arm holding her steady as they danced.

'Oh, I think I do.' She whispered quietly back, her face lifting to kiss his lips as they lowered towards hers slowly. 'Probably as much as I love you, Jay,' she  said as they broke apart, a small grin on her face.

'That would be a lot then?' He asked cheekily, his fingers tracing lazy circles on her back as they moved together in unison.

'Yes. Lots and lots.' She reached up and touched his cheek, her fingers grazing against his stubble as she guided his face down to resume their kissing.

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