"I'm having a good time darling." She purred raising a hand to Dylan's face, sensing how dumb she felt, "but I will go where ever you want to go."

Pulling Devon against her, Dylan wrapped her arms around her, oblivious to anyone else in the museum, "I love you, Devon." She stated plain and simply.

"Mm, I love you too." She breathed out happily oblivious of all the stares coming their way.

They ended up at a restaurant down on Ruston way, right along the water which was quiet and comfortable, and then decided to do something neither one of them had done in a couple of years, and that was...go to the movies. Dylan had called Mark and asked him if he could handle things tonight, and when he said yes, Dylan told him thanks and she would see him in the morning unless things changed and he needed her to come in for some reason. So after shutting her phone off, Dylan took hold of Devon's hand and they headed inside to find a seat. Dylan felt like she was a teenager again except that she was sitting with a woman who looked like she had just walked off the cover of a magazine, dressed in tailor made slacks, heels, and a blouse that showed just how much of a woman she really was. All the men and boys were breaking their necks when they walked by, and the girls and women were throwing her dirty looks as if Devon was about to steal their precious boyfriends or husbands away.

It was comforting and a bit awkward to be at just a regular ol' movie with Devon, because in Dylan's mind she was a sophisticated woman and this seemed a little beneath her status, but each time she laughed or squeezed Dylan's hand at something she thought was funny from the rom-com they had decided on, her heart seemed to grow bigger and opened her up even more if that was possible.

When the movie was over and they were heading back out to Dylan's car, she smiled and said, "You really did enjoy that didn't you"?

"Yes, of course, I used to love going to the movies." Devon responded with a smile.

"Why did you stop"? Dylan asked curiously, taking her phone out to turn it back on and saw that she had two messages, one from Lisa and one from Mark.

"It's no fun going alone." She replied slipping her arm through Dylan's.

"Well, you'll never have to go alone again, love." Dylan stated stopping at her car to open the door for her after using the remote to unlock it.

Sliding her arms around Dylan's neck, she kissed her tenderly before leaning back to look in her eyes with a soft smile, "Never, huh"?

"Not if I can help it." Dylan returned evenly before kissing her in return and then waited until she was in the car to shut the door and walk around to her side, slide in and then check her messages.

To Dylan's dismay, both messages were about customer's asking if she was there because they wanted to meet her. Mark said that it was busy and with all the publicity it would be nice if Dylan could come back and show her face so as to insure customers were happy and also encourage them to come back...Dylan loved the fact that the restaurant was busy, but she didn't like being in the spotlight and having to be there to entertain the guests.

"It'll settle down soon," Devon told her reassuringly after she explained the messages from both Lisa and Mark. "But, until then you probably should be there."

"Come with me?" Dylan asked hopefully, looking into her eyes.

With a smile, she reached up and touched her cheek, "How about I let you mingle with your guests for a while and then I meet you later."

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