Chapter 7

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Velo tapped his scepter on the ground, opening the ground. As it opened, everyone saw a track.

John looked down to where the track was and asked, "What is that?"

Crash explained, "Hyper Spaceway. Racers start out in a room underneath Velo's Citadel, then they go through a warp hole and end up at a different angle underneath the Citadel. They then go through another blue warp hole, twist around the track, and past speed bursts which are guarded by fire breathing statues. Then they fall down "steps", over lasers, through another blue warp hole, and through a figure eight onto a clear tube in space with electric barriers. Velo's Citadel can be seen in the distance. The outside of the Citadel is Velo's head and then the racers go through another warp hole, back underneath the citadel, and towards the finish line."

Pete scratched his head and stated, "Sounds complicated."

Coco replied, shivering, "Believe us, it is."

As the team went down onto the track and into the pit area near the starting line; Crunch pulled up Cortex's cart as he was getting on his helmet. Coco decided to help Cortex with his helmet, seeing how scared he was.

Cortex said, shaking, "T-thanks Coco."

Coco asked, "Why are you nervous?"

Cortex answered, "First time that the world's fate is on my shoulders."

Crash decided to help his sister and stated, "You'll be fine Cortex. Pete will be riding shotgun with you and your helmet has a built in walkie-talkie, in case you need to go to the pits. Plus, it will convert into a space helmet when and if you need it."

Cortex forced a nervous smile and replied, "So used to you doing this."

Crash snickered as he responded, "Yeah well, I can't take all of the glory."

Cortex was the one to chuckle on as John helped his baby brother with his Pichu sized helmet.

John asked him, "You feeling alright, bro?"

Pete answered, "Feeling great! I get to ride shotgun with Cortex!"

John chuckled at his energy as he stated, "Well, your helmet works the same as Cortex's. So if there's any trouble, Crash and I will be able to hear it."

Pete replied, "Great!"

Cortex grabbed Crash and commented, "Listen to me, Crash. Whatever happens I want you to know and do something for me."

Crash looked at Cortex like he was crazy and stated, "Why? You'll do fine."

Cortex replied, "I wanna make sure. So please if I can't do it...I want you to take Nina to London to meet her mother."

Crash's eyes widened as he looked at Nina, who was helping N. Gin with the fuel.

He turned to Cortex and questioned, "What is it that you want me to know?"

Cortex answered, "That you, Crash Bandicoot, are the best creation I ever created. You became a better man than the man who was a monster."

Crash looked touched by that and just as he was about to say something, a voice caught their attention.

"Racers, to the starting line please!"

Cortex perked up as he went to his cart, leaving a stunned Crash behind. He couldn't believe what Cortex had just told him. Cortex got into his cart as did Pete. The two of them strapped in as Crunch and N. Gin pushed them to the starting line. N. Gin gave Cortex a thumbs up as he returned back to the sidelines. Cortex returned it and then put both hands on the steering wheel, his right foot pressing on the gas pedal lightly. His cart gave out a vroom sound as everyone looked ready to watch the race.

Pete yelled to Cortex, "You ready?"

Cortex yelled, "Not really! But I have no other choice!"

The same voice from before roared, "This race between Emperor Velo the 27th versus Dr. Neo Periwinkle Cortex and Peter Jonah Pichu is about to begin. Gentlemen, on your mark."Both Velo and Cortex's carts were on the mark for the start of the race. The voice added, "Get set." The carts engines roared to life more as both racers stepped on the gas lightly. He stated, booming, "GO!"

With that, Velo took off first with Cortex not too far behind. Everyone in the pit areas cheered as they knew that Velo always got a head start, no matter what anyone did to prevent that. Cortex turned with good powering, he was in the intermediate class after all. Velo smirked as he got out a few TNT crates and threw them.

Pete yelled, "Incoming!"

Cortex commanded, "Quick, use Shock Wave!"

Pete gathered up must electricity as he could as he fired the Shock Wave, destorying the TNT crates instantly. As the explosion was above their heads, Velo laughed at the display and got a little bit ahead of them. John looked on Coco's laptop, which had a camera feed of the race taking place.

John stated, "That was a dirty trick!"

Crash replied, "Sadly, anything goes in this race. There's not much Cortex or Pete can do."

Aku-Aku offered, "Perhaps I sholuld give them a fighting chance."

Coco responded, "Only if needed, we need protection here as well."

Aku-Aku only nodded, knowing that she was right. As Cortex was starting to catch up to Velo, the alien emperor brought out a bomb and rolled it towards them.

Cortex commanded, reacting quickly, "Pete, Iron Tail!"

Pete stated, "Right!"

With that, the youngest Pichu unbuckled his seat belt as he jumped out of the cart and used the Steel type move on the bomb. It didn't destroy it but it rolled it off course and down the space below the track, exploding safely. Everyone in the pits breathed a short sigh of relief. This track was bad enough as it was, they didn't need Cortex being knocked off of the track. Pete got back into the cart, buckling himself back in.

Cortex commented, "Nice work!"

Pete replied, "Good call!"

Cortex smiled as he started to floor it, a little behind Velo, who was still in first place. Cortex knew that he had to do something if he was ever going to take first place.

Crash yelled through the walkie-talkie, "Cortex, hard right! Hard right!"

Baffled by what was happening, Cortex started to do a hard right, forcing the car into a beautiful skid. Pete was shouting as a huge boulder was in the way of the path. Luckily, Cortex served just in time to miss it and get on the left path. As he did, everyone in the pits was stunned.

John blurted out, "Where'd that rock come from?!"

Coco answered, "The track is either unstable or...that was an asteroid!"

Cortex asked, "Crash, what do I do?"

Crash thought for a minute and answered, "You have to finish the race. There's no other option. Velo has to be defeated here and now."

Cortex started to protest, "But..."

Crash interrupted, "No butts! You have to do this. It's on you, Cortex...Neo... I'm counting on you to take us to victory..."


Wishmaker1028: And there we go guys. An exciting start to the race! Who will take home the victory? There's only one way of finding out! You stayed tuned! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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