Chapter 2

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"So," Pasadena commented, a bit awkwardly.

"What is it, Pasadena," Crash asked, looking at her.

The two were sitting in Happily Ever Faster together as everyone was around and racing in one of the five lands. There was the Midway, of course. The first one was Mystery Island which had a pirate theme and features a large pirate ship in the middle of it. The second one was Happily Ever Faster which was like a fairy tale like world. The third one was Tyrannosaurus Wrecks which had a prehistoric-themed world, some geographical features include a volcano and an ice age-like area. The forth one was Tomb Town which was an Egyptian style world. The fifth and last one was Astro Land which was like a space themed world.

Pasadena answered, asking her own question, "Well, do you really think having Cortex around is a good idea?"

Crash hissed, getting to his feet rather quickly, "What is that supposed to mean?!"

Pasadena stated, "I mean don't you think that you are trusting Cortex a bit too quickly? The man practically caused the entire world to fall."

Crash replied, "But he didn't mean any of it."

Pasadena questioned, hissing, "How?! How do you know for sure?!"

Crash answered, coldly, "Cause I trust and I know him."

With that, Crash walked away from Pasadena, furious. He was SO glad that they had broken up.


"You look like something that the Meowth dragged in," John stated to Crash, who had joined them in Astro Land.

Crash hissed, "I cannot believe how close minded people can be towards Cortex right now!"

Pete replied, "It will not be easy having everyone forgive him after what happened."

" doesn't surprise me anymore."

The three of them turned and saw Cortex standing there.

Crash asked, "Failed with Nina and N. Gin again?"

Cortex answered, "They don't seem to believe my story that I lost my memory and didn't know what I was doing." He paused as he looked at Pete and asked, "How did you forgive me so easily?"

Pete answered, "Well, at first I was furious, but when I decided to let you finish your explanation, I knew it wasn't your fault. It still isn't."

John stated, "The same goes for me. Plus all of the Pokemon."

Crash stated, "Seems like you guys are more forgiving than our friends right now."

"I am forgiving too."

Cortex, Crash, John, and Pete turned to see Aku-Aku.

Cortex raised an eyebrow and asked, "You forgive me that easily?"

Aku-Aku answered, "I sensed that what you were doing as Phoenix wasn't of your own nature. I knew Phoenix was Cortex before you all did."

John questioned, "Then why not tell us?"

Aku-Aku answered, "For two reasons. One: the amnesia was induced to stop whenever Phoenix was defeated. And two: we have a problem."

Crash asked, "What kind of problem?"

That's when Pete saw something falling from the sky and answered, "Um, I think I know!"

Everyone looked as the saw a comet shooting through the afternoon sky.

Cortex stated, "That's not normal. Very unusual indeed."

The clouds started rolling in as ashes fell from the skies heavily.

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