Chapter 4

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"Is he freaking serious?!" Nina hissed, looking at her racing team. "I'm stuck with the squad that believes my uncle had nothing to do with the Phoenix thing?! Can I freaking change teams?!"

Crash rolled his eyes, ignoring Nina's rant. He wasn't too thrilled having her along for the ride either but the Twin Sanity team was back. More or less.

John stated, "Hey, would you take a chill pill? We aren't exactly thrilled having you around either."

Pete sighed as he looked at Cortex, who looked really sad. Sure the youngest Pichu was thrilled about racing with his best friends but it didn't mean much if they weren't having fun or working together like they always did as the Twin Sanity team. Nothing seemed quite right.

Pete softly stated to Crash, "I just want things back to normal. Is that bad?"

Crash gave the youngest Pichu brother a small smile as he stroked his fur and replied, "We all do, buddy. We all do." He looked out to where Cortex was sitting and asked, "Cortex?"

Cortex didn't bother to answer as the five of them were on Terra. N. Gin, Coco, and Crunch were on Barin. The short little yellow bald man was sitting thinking, wallowing in his own self pity.

He whispered to the moon, "Nance...if you can hear me somehow...tell me what to do... Tell me what to do..."

That's when he started to cry, capturing the team's attention.

Nina asked, out of curiosity, "What does that supposed to mean? Is this 'Nance' that he talks about?"

Crash answered, not looking at her, "His sister and your mother." With that, he got up and went over to Cortex - ignoring the surprised Nina behind him as he told Cortex, "You know she can't hear you."

Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone
But there's nothing I can say
To change the things I've done
I'd do anything within my power

Cortex sniffled, "Liked to think she can. She was always good at that stuff. Always knew right and wrong..."

Crash sat next to him and stated, "But you don't."

I'd give everything I've got
But the path I seek is hidden
From me now
Brother Bear, I let you down

Cortex wiped his eyes as he replied, "Let's be honest here, Crash. It's gonna be a cold day in hell before anyone believes me that I had no intention of killing or hurting anyone. Granted the Pokemon forgave me but..."

Crash interrupted, "Yeah, I know. You want Nina to forgive you too."

You trusted me, believed in me
And I let you down
Of all the things I hid from you
I cannot hide the shame

Cortex responded, "She is my only family right now..."

Crash told him, with a smile, "No, she isn't."

Cortex returned the smile, though his was smaller than Crash's. He finally sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck.

He finally stated, "Crash, I'm planning to go home."

And I pray someone, something will
Come, to take away the pain
There's no way out of this dark place
No hope, no future

Crash started to say, a bit puzzled, "Yeah, well, we all plan to go home after we win the..."

Cortex interrupted, "I meant home. My home of London." There was a slight pause of silence between them as they looked at each other, the breeze lightly picking up. He added, "I was meaning to tell you this afternoon but this all happened."

I know I can't be free
But I can't see another way
I can't face another day

Crash breathed, "I can't believe it..."

Cortex replied, "I owe it to my sister. I owe it to my good family to repay the things I've done..."

Without hesitation, Crash hugged Cortex. The bald little yellow man wasn't expecting a hug but accepted nonetheless, mesmerizing the softness of Crash's fur.

Crash confessed, "I'll miss you..."

Cortex breathed, "I'll miss you too. And Crash?"

Crash looked at Cortex and asked, "Yes?"

Cortex answered, "Beat Velo. You are the only one that can..."

Crash's heart fell at that. Never before had he seen his best friend so sad. But then again, with what had been happening, he couldn't blame Cortex.

He finally stated, "I shall do my best."

Cortex smiled a bit as the two of them went over to their team and started the Terra races. The first track was Inferno Island with a tropical beach with a volcanic cave in the middle of the track...or it used to be. There instead was mostly volcano and practically no beach.

John stated, "Well...this doesn't look good..."

Pete asked, "How are we supposed to win the circuit?"

Nina answered, "With trickery, what else."

Cortex scolded, "No. You are good now as is N. Gin. No tricks."

Crash added, "Besides, it shouldn't be that bad so long as one of us wins."

The four teammates nodded as they knew that had to work together, much to Nina's dismay. After getting all 3 trophies, (although they had some difficulty), they finally got to Krunk. Nina stepped up to face him.

John asked, "You sure about this, Nin?"

Nina answered, "Positive."

Pete stated, "Then kick his butt!"

Nina gave them a thumb up, ignoring her uncle as she drove out on the track. Midway through the race, Nina hit one of Krunk's electro balls as he took the lead.

Crash whispered, "Nina's gonna lose if she doesn't do something...but she's flying blind out there!"

Cortex grabbed the radio and said, "Nina, listen to me. I know you are mad and you have every right to be. But us stopping Velo and figuring out what Uka-Uka is up to is in your hands right now. Fight the shock and floor the gas." Nina managed to fight the shock and floored the gas, quickly getting herself out of danger. However, she was still behind Krunk. He added, "Alright, this is where it gets tricky. Fun but tricky. Extend your grappling arm towards the power up box."

John asked Crash, "Can she do that?"

Crash answered, "Hasn't been against the rules yet."

Nina did as she was told and got a rocket.

Pete stated, "She got a rocket."

Cortex commanded, "Keep it steady. Aim carefully and then fire."

Nina nodded as she did just that, knocking Krunk off the track and Nina into first place...and the victory. While the team celebrated, Nina's voice came over the radio.

"Not bad...uncle," she stated.

Just hearing that, Cortex's heart skipped a beat. Was he earning back Nina's trust...?


'No Way Out' by Phil Collins


Wishmaker1028: A rather long chapter but it needed to be done. Let me know guys! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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