My home,dropping Rose and Zayn picking up...

Start from the beginning

"My car.Stacey's was at garage " I said stuffing my hands in my pocket.

"And you dropped Stacey?" She asked again. First thing I also have questions ,how does she knows it ? I shook my head a bit .I thought it would be interesting but she's asking me stupid questions.

"Naturally" I said.

"Did you wait for her till she got in?" She asked again folding her hands across her chest.

"No I didn't. She told me she would be waiting for Kia outside.She also went out with Harry. So....girl talks.You know better." I said.

"Well the thing is ,Lou ,that after you left , Stacey and Zayn met there only ,at the big tree in front of her home,and kissed madly...Zayn's hand on her waist and her's in his hair,pulling them periodically accompanied by moaning.The whole sight would pretty much make you believe that they are a couple." she said and breathed heavily.

I was in utter shock.What the fuck was she talking about?!And hello ,it isn't everyday that strangers stop by and say me that my girlfriend cheated on me.Is this true?I have questions.

"I'm sorry Louis.You look pale ,but I should get going, I see Stacey heading here. Bye, take care" she said I nodded and mumbled a 'bye' .She can't do this to me.Can she?I was questioning our relationship. I know they are built on trust ,but no matter how hard I try to ignore facts,it always sums in favour of my suspicion.

I sighed and shook my head. I can't readily show my emotions to Stacey.I smiled widely as she came by.

Stacey's POV:

I walked to Louis .I was way too happy ,after our little moment at his tree house. But I am also a bit worried about Zayn.He kinds of break in any time and does whatever he wants to,although he knows that I am with Louis.Whatever reasons he may have ,I am DONE with him.

I flashed a smile and waved my hand at him.I saw Rose just walk pass him.That little bitch.

He seemed a bit sad and pale but quickly changed his face to a glad and warm one when he saw me.

"What up?" I said cheerfully.

"Nothing" he whispered looking down , paleness spreading across face.

"What happened ?Is everything okay ?" I asked .Things now seem a bit twisted round here.

"Nothing just..." he trailed off.His fist clenched and his hands had elevated nerves on them .His knuckles were turning white.He looked at me and I saw only rage.

The hallway was quite quiet now. Only hot streams of his breath across my face were felt.With no word I hugged him.His body loosen upped a bit.I rested my head on his chest and could hear his heartbeat.I smiled a bit when I realised that they have become normal.

I parted and saw him smiling as well.

"Ya hear that?" He asked me blushing and flashing a smile.

"Your heartbeat. Yeah!" I said as the familiar heat on my cheeks came.

"You must know that the only person it beats for, is you" he said pointing me and I couldn't resist but just reach and enjoy the soft and sparkling feeling of his lips on mine.

We parted and said in unison "I love you" .

We both headed to our classes hand in hand.

Lunch(A\N :Stacey's lunch time)

"Holla fellas!" Niall greeted as he came down to sit with food which seemed to be enough for 20 people ,literally!

"Ni ,do you think you can chuck all of this ?" I said pointing to the marvelous quantity of food in front of me.

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