Chapter 6 - The Numinous Confrontation

Start from the beginning

It was only upon the last question that the Great Evil deemed it appropriate to destroy.

 “Ryan Peters, why is it that you chose to run away from the police when they chased you three years ago?” (That was the prosecutor speaking.)

"I have everything set into place. This is your time to unleash all power you have been hiding for the past couple days Ryan, don’t upset me.”

“My client is not obliged to answer this-” the lawyer suddenly stopped mid sentence. “Can anybody hear that?”

Everybody was already crowded around the base of an unattended chair, at which the sound of weeping people could be heard. My defense attorney, in her fear and anticipation also joined the multitude, shaking in dismay.

“It sounds like a bunch of mournful souls,” she blurted suddenly. “Why are we hearing mournful souls from the base of a chair?”

“We’re all going crazy,” the police man confirmed.

The rest of the room began to chatter as well, their curiosity distracting them from their task of interrogating me.  I was left alone and unattended, which only increased the simplicity of what was at hand.

We can speak the future, from our mouths proceed the future,” I whispered, clasping the side of the desk. I tried to focus over the sound of the mourning.  I could already feel myself shaking. “We know of all the hidden, and what is in the dark.”

The power within me surged.


The power which was given to Ryan was presented to him at his Creation.  Ryan still remembers that day, the day he was made beautifully and wonderfully in the Highest’s eyes.

“You have been given seven gifts, Ryan Peters,” the Highest had said. “Today you will only learn of three.”

“The first is like what has been given to almost all angels: the power to send fire to what I deem destructible. You won’t need this power until the Judgment Day Ryan, so don’t ever misuse it.”

“Sir,” Ryan had asked, mystified. “Is it invisible? Can humans see it?”

The Highest had smiled.

“Yes, it’s invisible. But you’re going to have to promise me you won’t misuse it Ryan.”

Ryan had watched nervously as he was presented with the scroll.

“I will never misuse it.”



“I’M BURNING IN FIRE!” The female attorney screamed, joining the sound of the weeping at the base of the chair. Her hands became a dangerous white, her head bobbing uncontrollably, and her eyes rolling so far back into her head only the whites could be seen.  I knew of the pain she was feeling, the pain that could be compared to that of the Great Evil’s pits, except more stinging and painful.

The prosecution attorney and two police only stared at her in confusion.

“You do realize you’re not burning right?”

The attorney wasn’t given enough time to respond, as her steady breathing was abruptly cut off by a choking sound. Pink scars began to form on the right side of her jaw, creating such a frightening sight that the rest of the group was set aback.

“Pl-ease,” she choked. “Remove the fire from me, it’s eating at my body!”

The male policeman stepped forward, his hands shaking in dismay.

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