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" Jamariana! " Zavi yelled at her.

Jamariana aint a bad dancer. She just taking hella long to learn dis dance and we recording this afternoon.

" sorry, sorry, sorry. " she apologized. Jomar stopped the music and sighed. Zavi gave him to cue to play it again and we started over, it was going good until Jamariana tripped over Ayleo and fell. Ayo played it off but Jamariana decided to make a scene out of it.

" wow, you could've atleast said sorry" she said, flicking Ayleo in the head.

" nigga, you got two left feet. Yo mama should be apologizing to you " He shot back, rubbing his head.

" shut up. I dance better than you. " She rolled her eyes.

Me and Zavi was quiet.

" you aggy. " Ayleo said, before rolling his eyes and turning toward Jomar so he'd unpause the music.

We ran through the song again and Jamariana finally got it right and she was killing that jawn without even knowing.

You could tell she was a dancer. Like when she was into it, she was into it. She aint even notice everyone was watching her dance. Her facial expressions, the way her body moved and her face sweats, shes a dancer.

When the music was over Jomar slow clapped. Everyone looked impressed,   but Ayo was licking his lips and drooling. Not today bro.

When rehearsal was over Jomar told Jamariana to stay behind because he wanted to talk about signing her. Me and Zavi dipped, but Ayo wanted to wait for her, so my nosy ass hid behind a trophy case to watch them.


" hello, im Jomar. " The man said. He was slick old people cute, like someone my aunt would fw.

" im Jamarian- " i started to say, before he cut me off.

" Jamariana. Who could forget the name of that good of a dancer? " he smiled. I shrugged.

" thank you, but im not that good. I just dance for fun. " i said.

" nonsense! Listen... " he said, whispering and leaning in closer.

" between you and me, you have more potential than those knuckleheads " he laughed.

" thank you. " i smiled.

" here's my card. Have your parents call me and we'll set up a meeting asap. " he said.

" okay. " by now i was cheesing.

" bye bye. " he smiled, waved and walked out.

I sat down, trying to absorb what just happened. I was just a girl who moved alot, now im a girl who's making moves.

But wait, what if i move out of detriot?


I waited until Jamariana walked out, and she looked suprised to see Ayo. They was talking, and her annoyed facial expression went from tense, to confused, to happy. I watched as she wrapped her arms around him and embraced him a hug. I put my hand over my heart.

Then, he gave her his phone and scratched his neck. She put her number in his phone and walked away. As she passed the trophy case i was hiding by she said

" oh hey, mateo " and kept walking. I stepped away from the case and found my eyes meeting her ass.

Ayo walked by and patted my shoulder, then whispered:

" wipe your mouth bro, you drooling" He laughed and walked away. 

I wiped my mouth, straightened out my shirt and kept walking.

Shmateo: Good On My Tip Toes (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now