Chapter 1

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Seven years ago..

Cierra POV

"Bye Cece." Heather called out from the car waving.

"Bye Heather." I called back waving as her mother drove away. 

Well looks like mom and dad are home. I pull the key from my pocket getting ready to unlock the door, but it was already open. Ok that is totally weird; I push the cracked door open even more.

"Mom! Daddy!" I yelled looking around the house. 

My little heart was hammering out of my chest. The lights weren't working and I couldn't see anything. Gulping I feel my way around heading up the steps to my parents room. Having a sickly feeling that something wasn't right. I continued walking towards my parents bedroom. Under my breath I counted to 3.

"1 2 3..." What I saw next I wasn't prepared for. My breath hitches in my throat from the sight before me. This looks so unreal there's blood everywhere. Before I could react I ran to my parents lifeless bodies dropping to my knees and cried my eyes out. Why did this happen to them. Gently I take my hands and close their eye's making my heart break even more. Putting my head down I hear a low growl coming from inside the room. Jerking my head I look around for the source, but didn't see anything. I quickly get up and go to my parents landline and dial 911.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency?" The dispatcher said. I hear another growl.

"Hello yes my name is Cierra. I just got home and found my parents dead on the bedroom floor. Whoever did it might still be in here." I said barely holding it together.

"Ok honey calm down we will get someone there quickly. What I want you to do is go somewhere and hide and stay on the phone with me until someone gets there." She said trying to keep me calm.

"Ok, but-

I see something with red eyes through my parents closet door.

"Oh my God!" I screamed and ran out the room. Hearing footsteps paddling after me.

"Is everything alright." The Operator yelled through the phone.

"No! Something is after me-

 I couldn't finish my sentence because something jumped on me pushing me down the steps. Luckily I bounced back and got up running to the front door. Before I could get out the door I felt something sharp pierce my wrist. I yelped out in pain. After the sharp pain was released I blacked out.


 I open my eyes stretching, wincing as I feel liquid seep through my shirt. Shit! I thought as I looked around to see where I was. Then it dawned on me where I was. Looking around I tried to find my escape route. I see an air vent probably leading outside. 

 Before I could move to get over there I hear a door being opened and I turn around and see Deucalion being lead led in by Kali with Ennis close behind. Not sure where those twins were though. How the hell did they find me here? I faced them head on looking them in their eyes especially Kali.

 "What do you want from me?" I growled out. I look to see Deucalion's smiling, it took everything in me not to get up and wipe it off his face. He removed his glasses folding them onto his shirt.

 "You of course. I want you in my pack. From what I can tell you will be a great asset." I scoffed rolling my eyes standing up.

 "No way in hell would I ever be apart of this pack. I have a pack." I pointed out.

 "A pack that you haven't seen nor heard from in six years. Now that doesn't sound like you're apart of a pack to me." I growled feeling my shift coming on.

Not my intentions (Interracial *BWWM*) Teen wolf FicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora