Move on quotes

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"Don't waste your time looking back at what you've lost. Move on, life is not meant to be traveled backwards."

"You treated me like an option so I left you like a choice."

"I became strong when you set me free but I became  even stronger when I let you go."

"People change,things go wrong, shit happens, life goes on."

"Life is too short for erasers, just draw a line through it and move on."

"Moving on is probably the best revenge ever."

"Forget about what could have been, it didn't happen. So let it go and move on."

"Forget what hurt you but never forget  what it taught you."

"You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one."

"Don't look back with regret but move on with hope."

"You were the guy of my dreams but I think I'm finally waking up."

"If you truly love someone , you'll want them to be happy even if it's not with you."

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