CH 1: My Family

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"Just like that, baby!" *FLASH* " Workin' it! Workin' it!" *FLASH**FLASH* "Now I want some more with the hair!" *FLASH* "Now that sweet behind!" *FLASH**FLASH**FLASH* "Lovin' it!" *FLASH* "Beautiful! Next!" I step out from in front of the green scteen and Jay steps in, as always, shirtless. I roll my eyes.

Magazine shoots were always a pain! We spend an hour on makeup and wardrobe for five minutes in front of the camera. If I were a normal girl with a normal childhood, I would be thrilled at the fact that I was in a room filled with nine gorgeous model/movie stars (the mejorety being hot guys), but considering we had all been on a Reality TV show since we were three, and we're eighteen now, this is just a part of everyday life. Oh, plus the fact that we're ferternal decaplets, and these are my siblings. I look over at my extremly hot sister, Kammy, in her hot pink bikini and notice, yet again, not a one of the boys batting an eye at her. Likewise to Jay, who's flexing his muscles up in front of the camera. It's always a casual setting among the models.

"Hey, Peyten," Meg greeted me from the chair she sat in while Maggie, the chief makeup applier--or whatever it's called, touched up her eye shadow, "What's up, Girl?"

"Oh, I was just wondering if you got any deets on the new script for this season." Meg was the Gossip Queen of the houshold. She keeps tabs on everyone and everything living and working here. If a new script was being writen, she would know, and if you wanted to know somthing about, say, a new servant, you would go to her. Actually, she was more of a secret agent than a gossip queen; she knew everything abaout everyone, but she would keep it to herself unles you asked her a direct question about it.

"No, not yet, but mom and dad are calling a family meating in The Office sometime today. It's probably something one of the boys did *cough*Jay*cough*"

Coincidently, Jay, who had just finished shooting, walked into the room, "Hey!"

"Oh, you don't even know what we're talking about." Meg shot back.

"I heard you coughing about me, and that's enough." He walked away.

I decided to change the subject; "Hey Maggie, do you have that awesome makeup remover?"

"Yupp." And she tossed me the bottle.


"So, I'm sure you all know why we're meeting here today," Father, as always started family meetings live it was the town hall in one of the many movies he directed and/or played in.

"Actually no," Lauren said, and we all shook our chestnut-colored heads. Almost all.

"Guys!" Alex pointed out, "Remember? We wanted to go to public school for senior year. That's totally what this is about."

Ah, yes! We're of the children of billionaires, have starred in our own TV show since we were todilers, before that, we were extras in different movies as babies; even now, on our spare time, if we get board, we can go out, find a job in a movie, and be payed large sums of money just to be seen in the background. It doesn't leave much time for school. So we're home schooled, and have never really met anyone else our age; exept for other actors that is, but they don't count.

"Thank you, Alex." Mother said, "your father and I have been talking and have agreed that it's high time you meet real kids your own age." Our faces light up. Victory! "Now, we highly recommend these schools," she handed the closest one of us, Colmen, a list of boarding schools, and famous art schools such as Hollywood Senior High and Interlochen Center for the Arts. "But you can decide on any one in the United States that you want."

Many of us started arguing over what school to go to; Erin wanted somewhere near home, most of the guys wanted someplace with "lots of hot bab- I mean sun and... beaches," Meg wanted somewhere exotic, Kammy wanted somewhere with lots of cute guys, Lauren wanted a school with a high GPA average, and Alex was neutral, as always, so he didn't vote, and there were no ties. The only thing we had to work around was that we had to all go to the same school.

Eventually, we decided to put each of our ideas on a piece of paper, and we would vote on the top two, then we would decide between the two. When we got the cards in a pile, there was a choice of Hollywood Senior High; Kalani High School in Honolulu (guess who); Dallas Indipendant School District; Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science and Technology; and last of all, Juneau Douglas High School, Alaska. Only Erin, Jay, Lauren and I put in a school because everyone else either didn't do their research, wanted the same school as one of us, or just didn't care.

When we voted, it wasn't secretive, so we just had a show of hands; Hollywood SH got two votes (Erin and Eero), Kalani HS got four votes (Jay, Colman, Corban and Kammy), Gwinnett School of MST got one vote (Lauren), and Alaska got three [Me, Meg, and Alex (he wanted to vote this time)].

For the final vote, we took the top two. It was a tie: Jay, Colman, Corban, Lauren and Kammy for Hawaii; Me, Meg, Eero, Alex and Erin for Alaska, so each side had ten minutes to prepare a short essay for why they want that school, and present it to our parents. If you're wondering, yes, competitions and contests like this are quite normal.

Kalani High School, Honolulu, Hawaii:

The reason why we want to go to Kalani High School in Honolulu, Hawaii is because it got a bronz for it's education and teaching, we've been to Honolulu before, so it's formiliar to us, and it's nice and warm with lots of free time activities. Another good thing about it is that if they're doing a film there at some point, we'll be able to make a few extra bucks to help pay for lodgings, school books and food.

"Hmm." father said as he read it, "I see you used Ethos, Pathos and Logos. Ari has been teaching you well. Now for Alaska."

Juneau Douglas High School, Juneau, Alaska:

The reason why we want to go to Juneau Douglas High School in Juneau, Alaska is because of it's award winning Marine Biology program, it's amazing acting program, and the fact that it's in the least explored state in the US. Plus, we've never been there, so it would be a great new experience for us. Peyton did some research, and found that Juneau is beautiful all year 'round, and that includes the amazing glacier. Did you know that Juneau is the only place with a natural glacier within city limits in the whole US? Possibly the world. Another thing is that there are very few people in Juneau (Alaska has the lowest population out of all the states) and it's very closed off from the rest of the world, so there's less of a chance that we'll be recognized by more people, and more of a chance for us to lead normal lives.

Something that we'd like to point out is that Lauren over there is probably the only one with good intentions when it comes to that school in Hawaii, I mean, it did get a bronz, but all the others just want "hot chicks with huge racks" and "cute guys with surfur bodies and tans." Ask them!

Thank you for considering our proposal.

"Well, that was tough," mom said after a few minutes of pretence thought, "But we have decided on..."

N/A: I actually live in beautiful, rainy Juneau, Alaska, and am about to go into nineth grade at Juneau Doughlas High School, so I know what i'm talking about and everything was the truth (exept for the "beautiful all year 'round" part; that may have been a slight exegeration). As for the other schools, I know nothing of but they are all real.

I don't know when I'll be updating again because spring break is over, but I hope to be doing lots of work over the weekends.

-Klare out

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