Chapter 1 - Inheritance?

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Harry Potter was bored and angry.

Harry had just finished his 5th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in a couple of hours he was going to be 16 and no one was there with him.

Since he started Hogwarts when he was 11 years old he spent his birthday's at the Burrow with the Weasley family and Hermione Granger, people he had met and befriended when he entered into the Magical World. However he had been told he was to return to the Dursley family for this birthday.

Petunia Dursley was his biological Aunt as she was his mother's sister, she was what he called a horse-faced woman with a long neck and pointed features. Vernon Dursley was her husband and Harry's Uncle, he was a fat man with hardly any neck and a lot of moustache. Dudley Dursley was their son and Harry's cousin, he was a chubby boy and got whatever his heart desired from his parents.

There was a downside to living with this family: they hated magic.

Vernon would order him around a lot and would often lock Harry up in the cupboard under the stairs for days on end and not give him any food, recently it was a small bedroom he had been given when he went to Hogwarts. Dudley and his friends had invented a game called 'Harry Hunting', they would chase Harry around and when they caught him they would beat him. Petunia made him do all of the chores and keep food from him, she would never hit him but she didn't stop the males from doing it.

Hogwarts was where he considered home, or used to. Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts had been one of the nicest people Harry had ever met, but he always sent Harry back to the Dursley house at the end of the year when he had a Godfather that could take him in.

Sirius Black was once in Azkaban, a Wizarding prison for dangerous criminals, however he was found innocent when he was questioned under Veritaserum (Truth Serum) and denied what he was accused of. However Dumbledore would not let Sirius adopt him and that made Harry angry.

Harry was also banned from being a part of any meetings between the Order of the Phoenix, an organisation dedicated to putting a stop to Lord Voldemort, who was trying to take over the world. Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley and a few of Harry's other friends from Hogwarts were allowed to be a part of the meetings and then they deny to tell him anything when he asked them.

Harry was beginning to doubt the relationship's he had with most of the people he knew. His friend's from Hogwarts were getting more expensive things, things that he knew they did not have the money for, Dumbledore was lying to him and keeping him out of things he needs to know, Molly Weasley was trying to push him and Ginny together though that would not be happening and Arthur Weasley just sat and did nothing. It was as if they were hiding something from him.

Harry had realised before he left his 5th of Hogwarts that the only person who had never lied to him was the Dark Lord Voldemort himself, and that worried Harry quite a bit.

16 was a big birthday in the Wizarding Community, if a person held Inheritances then they would be getting them the minute they turned 16. Dumbledore had told Harry that he had no Inheritances and no will's to be read, but since he had been lied to before he didn't think he could trust the Headmaster with anything he said.

Harry had begun to feel different from the moment he began to doubt Dumbledore and it was not guilt, when asked about all of this Dumbledore said it was nothing and sent him on his way.

Harry was bored because he was locked in his bedroom once more, as soon as he came from a year at Hogwarts he was locked in his room and not allowed to leave. He was glad that his Wizarding things were allowed to be kept in his room now and not locked in the cupboard he used to sleep in.

When Harry turned to the clock in his room he had to smile: 12:01.

"Happy birthday to me." Harry whispered to himself.

Suddenly Harry's whole body burned with pain, he quickly cast silencing charms around his bedroom so the Dursley's would not hear him and cause him even more pain. Once that was done he collapsed to the ground and began to writhe in pain, screaming loudly.

Through the pain he thought that he could feel his body changing but he had no idea through his pain filled mind.

After half an hour he fell silent and unmoving, his heart stopping and his organs shut down. However inside his mind he was still in a lot of pain, it was like there was poison or venom running through his veins killing everything along the way.

A couple of hours later the pain stopped and Harry opened his eyes.

Harry was shocked. He could see perfectly and he knew that he was not wearing his glasses, he could also hear very well including the snores coming from the other two bedroom's around him. He got of the floor as quick as he could, wobbling a bit when he stood up, and walked to the large mirror in the corner, where he was given another shock.

He was definitely taller then when he last looked at himself, he was now over 6 foot tall, his tanned skin had now gone a deathly pale colour that almost looked translucent, he could see muscles under his arms and his chest was no longer as flat as he remembered it. He was no longer wearing his glasses, his features were a lot sharper then he remembered them to be and his hair was longer. His hair was no longer a dark brown in colour, now it was pitch black and came to his shoulder's, it was still messy but nowhere near as bad as it had once been. His eyes though were what shocked him the most.

Harry's eyes were no longer the emerald green he was known for, eyes that came from his mother. His eyes were now a crimson red in colour with a silver border around them. His nails seemed to be sharper and he had a feeling that if he tried to cut them he would not be able to do so.

Harry moved his tongue around his mouth and gasped as slight pain could felt. He opened his mouth and gasped in shock when he saw the two small fangs inside his mouth, they were very sharp and pointed.

Based on everything he was feeling and seeing he knew that he had somehow gone through a Creature Inheritance. A Creature Inheritance was something that happened when a Magical person hit the age of 16, if a witch or wizard has Creature blood inside of them then that side would be awakened at this age.

As Harry looked at him he realised something: Dumbledore had lied to him once more. Harry hissed when he thought of this, he knew he was not going to be accepted by the Light anymore and he didn't think he cared.

The Light hated most Creatures because they were Dark, Vampires and Werewolves were thought to be the darkest Creatures there was. Harry didn't know what he was for certain but he had a feeling he was a Vampire based on what he was looking at and he couldn't help but feel slightly relieved.

The only people he cared about was Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Bill Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, Charlie Weasley (though he hasn't really met the man), Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan and Oliver Wood. Based on what he was learning he was beginning to think he would get along well with Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Marcus Flint and Daphne Greengrass.

When he was brought into the Wizarding World he was only 12 and he met the Slytherin hating family (the Weasley's) as soon as he boarded the train. This made him think if it was all a setup, when Harry thought about it the Weasley family had no reason to be where he first saw them as they knew where the Platform for the train was. He then grew to hate the Slytherin's even though he found himself agreeing with some things they did and said, he was meant to be in Slytherin in the first place.

Harry looked at himself and smiled, this was the perfect way for him to leave everyone behind who he no longer trusted, but also a way for him to lose those remaining that he did trust.

Harry decided that he would leave for Gringott's in a couple of hours, he needed to know more about what he was and that could lead him to who he could trust. However right now he needed to sleep as his body was still adapting to the new form he was in.

His last thoughts before drifting to sleep was if those he thought were his parent's, really were his parents.

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