"It's hard to pretend there's no one here when there is," Kai reasoned.

Sehun stood quietly for a second before mumbling, "Okay, then just show me the real you."

Kai widened his eyes for a second before averting his gaze, feeling Sehun's eyes burning into him.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean."

"Sure you do." Sehun said before taking a seat. Suddenly Kai felt uncomfortable. It was like Sehun could see right through him and he didn't like it, not at all. He decided to shake it off though. If he was going to do this, he was going to do it right.

"Where do you want me to look?"

Sehun shrugged, "Wherever you like."

"Can I look at you?"

Sehun blushed, eyes widening slightly. Why'd he want to me look at me? Oh... Don't tell me he's already falling for my irresistible charm. Gosh I'm too fabulous.


Kai smirked, "I'm looking at you then."

Sehun simply nodded, biting his lip as he brought his pencil up to the canvas.

Without realizing it, Kai found himself in deep thought as he stared at Sehun, who had started drawing him. The room was silent, save for the occasional strokes of Sehun's pencil across the canvas and the soft whirring of the air conditioner. Kai was always so used to the noise and people and chatter at school, that it felt almost odd, yet it was somehow comforting. He realized just how much he needed the silence in his life, just every once in a while.

Sehun smiled as he looked at Kai. There it is. Kai's face was tense at first but he gradually relaxed and there it was, the glorious resting bitch face he was waiting so long for. Has anyone ever said that before? I don't think anyone ever said that before. Now that Kai was right in front of him, it was so much easier and his hand flew across the white canvas as smoothly as the wind. He was good at memorizing people's features but having the real thing there right in front of you as you drew, there was something simply amazing about it. Something almost intimate.

No words needed to be exchanged as Sehun found his comfort in his art and Kai found his in the silence.

Which didn't last very long because a good half hour later, the door burst open when a grunting Kris carrying a large cardboard box walked in. Sehun and Kai jumped up almost immediately, turning to the disturbance with deep scowls on their faces.

Kyungsoo walked in after Kris, who had dropped the box to the ground, panting.

"Oh," Kris said in between pants, "I didn't know you guys were here. What's up?"

Kai rolled his eyes but didn't reply. The guy just didn't know how to read the situation.

"I see you finally found a model, Sehun," Kyungsoo said, arms crossed, "Good for you."

"Wait, I don't even get a thanks for carrying this heavy-ass box up 6 flights of stairs?!" Kris grunted, looking at Kyungsoo. The latter simply rolled his eyes.

"Put it in the corner, don't just leave it at the entrance."

Kris huffed, earning a glare from the shorter male. At that, he quickly scrambled to carry the box over to the corner of the room. Kai chuckled.

"No smiling." Sehun said seriously, eyes narrowed in concentration.

"You hurt my feelings," Kai pouted before going back to his original expression. Thanks to Kris, the room was no longer silent but he still found himself relaxing again with ease. Maybe it was just something about Sehun that made him oddly comfortable.

The Me In Your Canvas [SeKai]Where stories live. Discover now