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(Opening memo) "To live happily in life, one must not dwell upon its meaning. To find happiness, one has to experience and absorb the happiness around them, not hesitating upon every negative that they encounter, but to overcome them and keep on moving forward. Just take a look with wider eyes and broader minds, whatever you're searching for, it's certainly out there. Don't give up."

A faint figure stood before someone's eyes. White haired, slim, a soft voice called out.
"I'm sorry. Good-bye Hoshi." A voice said.
A face frowned sadly and a slow, slim stream of tears flowed down Hoshi's sleeping self. His eyes opened suddenly as he gasped for breath and reached out in the air on his bed. He realized the nightmare and sat back against the wall on his bed. He looked around his room. A white shelf that was quite empty besides a pikachu piggy bank. A lamp on a table and trash can at a corner. A heart fractured.
"Oi, Hoshi. Hoshi?" Koro said.
Hoshi was staring in space. Hoshi, Koro, Moshi, Kai, Rin and Oli were playing soccer at the park near the base. Oli kicked the ball towards the goal. Hoshi was the goalie. Hoshi wasn't paying attention. The ball came straight toward his goal.
"Hoshi!" Moshi yelled.
As soon as Hoshi snapped out of it the ball brushed past his head into the goal.
"Score!" Kai yelled out running to Rin and Oli as they huddled ad hugged while cheering their victory.
"Eh... did we lose?" Hoshi asked in confusion.
"Well of course we did! 10-9! The girls won against us dude!" Koro said.
"Not exactly girls Koro..." Moshi said.
""Ah, who cares? We got beaten by girls dang it!" Koro whined.
"Eh... Im sorry." Hoshi said.
"Haha! Score for us, loser for you!" Kai said in cheers.
"You guys did great though." Rin said with a smile.
"I think Hoshi looked cute as a goalie... although he is quite small to be a goalie." Oli said with a giggle.
"EH?! Wait what's that suppose to mean? I'm a great goalie!" Hoshi said suddenly.
"Sure baka. You let the last kick go in remember? But you did well though!" Kai said.
"Yeah, but it looked as if you didn't see the ball Hoshi. It went right past you, was something the matter?" Moshi asked Hoshi.
"Eh... Ah that... N-no... Im fine. Totally fine! Something just caught my eye. Ahaha." Hoshi said with a laugh to cover his embarrassment.
"But still! We lost to girls!" Koro whined again crying.
"Oh, shuttup you. Admit defeat!" Kai said as they hit his head with a news paper roll.
"I bet Hoshi was captured by my beauty. I wouldn't blame him at all. Hoshi's so cute!" Oli said twirling around smiling in amusement.
"Eh, s-sure, I was." Hoshi said sarcastically.
"Cant believe it... defeated by girls... what a disgraced..." Koro whined still.
"Oi, didn't we tell you to chill? It was just a game!" Rin said pushing Koro's head down.
"Eh! Defeated by girls! It's a disgrace I tell ya! A disgrace!" Koro said struggling to get up from Rin's pushing.
Hoshi was at the Café where he first met Mikado and Marrows. He looked around for them. They weren't there. His face frowned a bit. He sat where he first saw the two unexpected friends. A voice flashed thru his head.
"Sorry Hosh. Seeya."
"I-im sorry senpai... Good bye..."
Those were Marrow's and Mikado's voices. His eyes watered.
He exited the café. As he walked out he bumped into a young girl.
"Ah! H-hey! Watch where you're going- oh! Hoshi!"
"Eh... Huh? A-Angel?" Hoshi replied as he helped her up.
"Hoshi, I missed you!" Angel said as she glomped onto Hoshi.
"Wah! Eheheh, me missed you too Angel." Hoshi said as he hugged her.
"How ya been? Oh wait! Don't answer that! You're here at a café alone, that's unusual! Hoshi isn't sad is he?" Angel asked.
"E-eh? You're quite the detective there Angel! Haha. I guess I cant hide it from you huh?" Hoshi said.
"Nope! Angel is always on your case!"
"Haha. That's cute. Anyways, yeah, I suppose lately I've been feeling down."
"Aw no. Im so sorry to hear that. What can I do to help?"
"Hm. Nothing in particular. Haha don't worry about it." Hoshi said as he ruffled her hair.
"Eeeh? No, I wanna help!" Angel replied as she tugged on Hoshi's arm.
"Eh? Fine, if you insist!" Hoshi answered.
"Yeah! Now what's the matter?"
"uh... I've just been remembering some past memories..."
"Oh... is it about you know who?..."
"Y-yeah... I suppose... not just that but many more... I'm losing them one by one..."
"Aw Hoshi..." Angel looked at Hoshi with a sad caring face.
"But I suppose it's not their fault, they chose to leave and I cant control them. Hehe." Hoshi said.
"Hmm..." Angel replied.
Angel's phone rang.
"Ah... sorry Hoshi. I have to go... I would stay but, my parents are expecting me."
"Mm. Go on ahead. I'll be fine." Hoshi said with a smile.
"Okay... Bye Hoshi." Angel said as she caringly hugged Hoshi with a worried face.
Angel went her way and Hoshi walked down the opposite way. Hoshi walked past a shady person. The person smiled devilishly. He followed Hoshi but was interrupted and stopped following when Red Mikoto appeared in front of Hoshi.
"Oh... Mikoto." Hoshi said as he stopped walking and smiled slightly.
"Hey there. Happy to see me?" Red Mikoto asked as he puffed out some smoke.
"Eh-" Hoshi muttered as he coughed, "Did you need something?"
"Yeah... We still have a score to settle remember?"
"Y-yeah... I remember."
"So what do you think? Die here or die here?" Red asked as he showed both his hands. They warmed up and simmered. He wasn't wearing any gloves. He didn't have any technology attached to his hands that helped fueled his flames. His hands just warmed up bright red and simmered.
"I uh... one thing..." Hoshi said.
"Huh?" Red Mikoto replied.
"You dropped your cigarette..." Hoshi said.
"Wait what... no I didn't- Hey!" Red Mikoto yelled as he looked down to see and then noticed Hoshi ran off.
"Im Sorry!" Hoshi yelled as he ran pass the shady person.
Red Mikoto stood there staring at the shady person for a while then ran off after Hoshi.
"You wimp! Get back here!"
"Like I would listen!"
"Ima kill you if it's the last thing I do!"
"Glad your content with that but I got other plans!"
"What? Like playing with your girlfriends?!"
"What? Jealous you don't have any?! Not that they're my girl friends!"
"You're so gunna die you bastard!"
"EEEHHH!" Hoshi said as he ran for his life with a humorous stupid face.
"Dammit... How'd someone so small like him get away?" Red Mikoto said as he appeard around a corner in search of Hoshi. "Wait... it's other way around..." He started to mumble, "How'd someone so big like him get away... Ahh! Whatever! That freaks gunna pay!" He rambled off as he smoked a cigarette.
"Yataa.... Seems like I lost him... Oh man, I could've died back there." Hoshi said with relief.
"Hoshi..." Oli said.
"EH!?" Hoshi screamed in surprise, "O-oli? What are you doing here?"
"I... Im just taking a stroll..." Oli said.
"O-oh... " Hoshi said.
"What are you doing? You look like were in a hurry."
"Ah.. That. I was just taking a jog, ahaha."
"I see..." Oli said with a depressed face.
The two stood at a plaza. Hoshi stood as Oli sat on the edge of a fountain. Hoshi noticed her sadness.
"You're not okay Oli... huh?" Hoshi asked.
"Heh... Yeah I guess you're right there. I just remembered stuff... well, some things reminded me of stuff."
"Reminded you?..." Hoshi said. Voices started to flash through his head.
"Seeya Hosh..."
"I-Im sorry senpai..."
"I... I have to go now... Good bye."
Hoshi budged a little in place and looked back at Oli.
"I-im sorry... I have to go Oli." Hoshi said as he rushed off somewhere around a corner. Oli sat there and looked down to the ground.
"Oh..." Oli said
Hoshi was walking down the sidewalk. It was getting dark. He stopped at a bench in front of a small store.
Hoshi narrates
Somehow... something's bothering me... I can't shake this feeling off... and these voices... I shouldn't be hearing or remembering them... what's going on? It's not like me to be so down... Hoshi has to be cheery and smiling again... Come on Hoshi, you can do this... just look straight and smile.
As Hoshi was thinking someone tugged on Hoshi's shirt by the arm sleeve.
"Hoshi..." Rin said.
"R-rin." Hoshi said surprised. "Is something the matter?"
"Not really. Im troubled." She said.
"Ah. What's wrong?"
"I uh... bad memories... parents... people... life."
"Ah I see..."
"Yeah... Im so stressed with life... school is so busy... so much homework... why cant I slack off just for once? Why cant I be like other kids? Why cant I be normal?"
Hoshi heard voices again.
"Why cant you be like other kids huh?!"
"You're not my son..."
Hoshi held covered his face with a hand.
"S-sorry Rin... I..."
"Huh?..." Rin said with tears in her eyes.
Hoshi looked into Rin's eyes as she teared. He felt bad for her. He wanted to run away from the pain that dwelled inside him. He didn't know what it was that was making him suffer, but he withstood the pain, for what he believed in is to cheer up his friends.
"Just be you... It's okay that you're not normal. Rin is cool the way she is. Don't you remember?" Hoshi said with a smile.
"But... I just want to run away..." Rin said.
Hoshi suddenly remembered. He left Oli alone at the fountain in the plaza not too long ago.
"Run away..." Hoshi said.
"I just want to run away from all these things that makes me stressed... I just want to disappear."
"Don't be like that. Just smile Rin. Smile like before. Smile like how you do every single day. It doesn't have to be a real smile, real or not, everything turns out okay, it just has to be. Somehow it will have to be." Hoshi said as he hugged her. "I know this is bad timing but, maybe you should go home, it's getting late and I have to go somewhere."
"Im gunna stay here... besides, my home isn't far from here. Thanks Hoshi." Rin said.
"If you say so. I'll be back then." Hoshi said with a smile and then ran off back to check on Oli. He peeked around the corner of the plaza building. Oli was still there sitting on the edge of the fountain picking at the water.
"Hoshi must hate me... everyone does..." Oli said "I lose people slowly... and the hurt doesn't hurt anymore."
Hoshi hugged Oli from behind unexpectedly.
"Hoshi doesn't hate you. Hoshi loves you. You have me, rin and kaito. You even have Moshi and Koro. Remember this morning? Soccer? You scored the winning goal! You scored against this short but best goalie ever! How great that must have felt right?"
"Cheer up Oli. I'm sorry I left you. I shouldn't have done that. But he's here now. Everything is okay now."
"Hmm... Yeah... It is now... Thank you Hoshi. Heh, you're like a hero Hoshi... appearing out of nowhere... heh."
Hoshi mouths some words.
"Im so worried. The world just cant stop hurting huh? Eeeh, no, don't do that! Eeeeh, where's Hoshi when you need him?" Kai said as they continued to rant the rest in japanese.
Kai said as they continued to type on their phone walking around in circles around a tree. Hoshi was running by but he overheard and couldn't help but become captured by their strange behavior. He walked towards them.
"Talking in Japanese again I see. Hahaha." Hoshi interrupted.
"Eh!? What?! You?! Huh?! You didn't just?! You didn't hear anything!" Kai exclaimed.
"Haha! Sure, whatever you insist, you doing alright mate?"
"Pfft Ha! Im okay, you?"
"Im alright here." Hoshi said with a bright smile. "But Im not sure I buy that you're okay, since I did over hear your previous conversation just then."
"E-EEEEHH??? AGAIN?! IMA KILL YOU BAKA!" They screamed.
"Woah! Chill mate! I here just to talk! Besides, I heard my name hehehe."
"Eeeeeehhh??? You didn't hear that!"
"Haha fine fine! But Im here for you Kai. Just as I always had." Hoshi said with a smile.
"Heh... Thanks Hosh Hosh. But I think im fine. I honestly cant be helped at all."
"Aw, sure you can. Anyone can. It's only a matter if they choose whether to accept it or not!"
"What if they don't accept help?"
"Hmm... good point...but still! I would still help either way because that's my way! I love to see my friends happy. Especially when it comes to someone who's very dear to me..." Hoshi said as he smiled warmly looking down and laying a hand on his heart.
"E-eh... Hehe... I guess... thanks for coming..." They said looking away blushing a bit, "even though I didn't ask for your help..."
"Hehe! Sure baka. Anytime. Hug?" Hoshi said as he extended his arm out towards them. Kai nodded and hugged him back with a warm red face.
"Pft... what are you baka? Some kind of hero? You know I don't need a hero... Just Hoshi is fine..."
Hoshi smiled. As they hugged, Hoshi mouthed some words next to their ear.
"Hoshi's taking quite a long time. Wonder if he'll come back. Maybe I should go home." Rin said.
"Hey! Im back!" Hoshi exclaimed running towards Rin at the bench. Hoshi arrived and sat down on the bench next to Rin catching his breath and leaning a hand on Rin's shoulder for support.
"Y-you came back. You didn't have to, it's late." Rin said.
"Hehe! Yeah it is, but hey, I'll never leave a friend behind!"
"Baka. Im glad you came back. It was getting kind of lonely."
"Hehe anytime. Here, let me walk you home." Hoshi offered as he stood up and help Rin up.
"T-thanks Hoshi."
They both walked towards Rin's home. It was dark. 10 pm read the clock on the library building they passed by. They stopped at a corner.
"My home is just a couple houses away... I can walk the rest." Rin said.
"Ah. Okay. Hehe. Good night then Rin. Good to see you." Hoshi said. They hugged.
"Thanks again Hoshi. You would make a great hero. Hehe, just saying." Rin said with a smile as she walked home.
Hoshi smiled and mouthed some words.
"Oh man... What a night... Im so tired.. eeeeh" Hoshi said as he walked to the base. He started to the entrance of the forest. "I'll just sleep at the Star for the night..."
Before entering he bumped into a stranger.
"Ehteh!" Hoshi exclaimed as he fell onto the ground on his bottom.
"Ah! Well, what perfect timing!" The shady person said. "So I finally get to meet the infamous Hoshi!"
"H-huh? Who are you?" Hoshi asks as he stood back up brushing off the dirt from his back.
"Well, if you're so curious, why don't you ask your friend, Ceru? Hm?"
Hoshi frozed. His heart beated quickly. He held his chest. A heart fractured.
"That name... Ceru... Who are you? How do you know about Ceru?"
"Hahahaha! Relax! What?" The shady person chuckled and waved his arms around. He wore a black huge over coat with fur on the collar. He fluffed his fur, "What are you gunna do? Be some hero?"
Hoshi grasped his fists tightly and looked at the shady person's face.
Hoshi mouthed some words.
"Im not a hero. Im Hoshi the Unexpected."

VOLUME 2: The Unexpected Extraordinary Life! Where stories live. Discover now