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    Previously: Two figures appeared next to Superman and their eyes turned green. My vision turned black and memories came flooding back.
He wrapped his thick hands around my uncovered waist. I laid there, helpless on the silk sheets.  He nipped at my neck, leaving small marks. When he got to my collarbone/crick of my neck, he bit down. I gasped and closed my eyes. He broke skin and blood dripped into his open mouth. I moaned as he moved to trail small kisses down my chest to my hips. He released my waist and started rubbing my sides. That really got me. I started moaning and shivering. The skin against skin excited me more.

  He raised his head towards my ear and whispered, "and you said you didn't want this. What bull."


   "W-what are you doing, Batman? Why are you hanging up my Robin suit?" Dick's young voice filled with confusion and worry.

   Batman looked into Dick's unmasked eyes, "Dickie, you can't be Robin anymore."

    Dick's eyes widened then asked into a glare. "WHAT! No, no you can't do this, Bruce! I am Robin. Robin is me. You can't take that way!" Dick struggled in his medical bay bed.

    Batman grabbed Dick to settle him. "I'm sorry, Dickie."

   Dick struggled more and tears rained down his face.


   Slade laid his gloved hands on his apprentice's shoulders. "I know it seems bad, but trust me, you'll learn to like it." He trailed kisses down Robin's neck. In return, Robin whimpered.

   Robin closed his eyes, "n-no, I won't."


    "And from now on, my little bird, I would like you to call me Master."


    "Apprentice, come here." Slade ordered his Robin. He patted his thighs.

    Robin grimaced as he looked at his 'Master' from across the control room. He reluctantly bowed his head and followed the order. Slade started to run his fingers through Robin's hair as they watched said person fight his ex-team, The Teen Titans. Robin bowed his head more, he was forced to betray his once friends.

   Slade looked at his apprentice, a smug look in his eye. He won, almost. There was just one last part.

    Ms. Martian, Martian Manhunter, and Superman experienced Dick Grayson's life. It was unbelievable how much the young hero went through. They had almost thrown up and were disgusted when they watched what Slade had done to their not as innocent bird. Rape, Sexual Intercourses, Torture, Branding, it was all inhumane.

   After his memories, except for one, was finished, they found themselves in a depressing gray room. There was nothing in the room excluding them and a body. The figure was curled up in the corner and soft whimpers came out every more and then.

   Superman cautiously walked over to the figure. He crouched low and gently put a hand on his-assuming it's a he-shoulder. The boy flinched, uncurled, and turned around, slowly and stiff. Everyone gasped in horror.

   The boy's emotionless dull blue eyes bore into their own. Tears ran thick down his face and his face was flushed. He had puffy eyes. Cuts, bruises, and other injuries were scattered everywhere. The thing that caught their eyes was the two insignias.

A 'S' over his heart and a 'R', carved deep inside his chest.

Submission of The Bird| A (Young) Justice League/Teen Titans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now