When You Meet Him - Kai

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"I wanna leaaaaaave." You groan.
"Let's GO, Y/n!" B/f/n (best friend's name) says, pulling on your arm. "We need to get you a new one wardrobe! You look like you wear the same clothes everyday!"
"Well that's PROBABLY cause I do sometimes." You mutter.

You hated shopping and having to worry about how you're clothes look. (Sorry if you actually care about that stuff) B/f/n stops pulling your arm and runs across the room
"Y/n! Look at this!" She yells to me as she holds up a blue ombré sweatshirt. You slowly trudge over to her and sigh.

- 1 Hour and 57 shirts later -
"I'm gonna die." You say, muffled by the pile of clothes B/f/n is making you carry around the store. "Oh Y/nnn!" She calls out in a singsong voice. "Time to try stuff onnnn!"
You immediately drop all the clothes and run for your life. You hide behind clothes in the baby's section and quickly fill your lungs with air again.
"Y/n!" B/f/n calls.

She's getting closer.

You take a deep breath and sprint across the store. You eventually slow down until you are just walking fast.
You are walking backwards slowly, looking for any sign of your friend, when you accidentally bump into someone.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so so SO sorry!!" You apologize, covering your face in embarrassment. "Hey, it's ok. At least you didn't mess up my hair." The person laughs.

You look up at the person you bumped into. You swear, you started drooling a bit. His brown hair was spiked up, his amber eyes shined in the light, and he was wearing a red
t-shirt that showed off his muscular body.
You could stare at him like this forever.
"Hey, you ok?" The hot guy asks.

Omigod, you've been staring at him...

"Uh.. heh heh.. yeaaa.... I'm fine." You sigh.
"CRAP." You say as you turn to the hot guy. "Can you hide me from my best friend pleeeaaaase???"
He looks at you mischievously. "I dunno..." He says, with a smirk on his face.
"Y/NNNN!.." You hear B/f/n call, getting closer.

"Please please please!" You beg.
"Heh. Ok fine." He walks over to the jeans hanging on the wall, in the corner. "Don't just stand there! Get behind me!" He says.
You run over and hide behind him and he pretends to be very interested in the lights on the ceiling.

You look above his shoulder and see Bf/n walking like 5 feet away from you. She pauses, looks around, and calls your name again. Loudly. "Y/NNN!!!!!"
Why must you be so loud and embarrassing

She suddenly looks towards your direction.
You quickly snap your head back behind the guy and tense up. After about 30 seconds, the hot guy turns towards you. "Don't worry. She's gone." He says with an amused look on his face. You look at your feet and mutter a quick "Thanks." and start to walk away.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" He says as he grabs your arm and pulls you back. "You never told me your name."
You look at him. "The name's Y/n." You say. "You probably should've guessed that since my friend thinks it's ok to yell my name at the top of her lungs."
He laughs. "Well, my name's Kai."
"Kai?" You ask. "L-Like.... the fire ninja??"

"Arrggghh. Please. Do me one favor and DON'T fangirl. Please?" Kai pleads.
"Hehe.. Well... I wasn't going to.. but now that you said something..." You reply, sinisterly.
"WAIT WAIT WAIT." He yells.
You laugh. "I'm just kidding."
"Phew. Ok good." He says with relief. "I thought I was going to have to hide in the clearance bin again."
You giggle. "Again?" You ask mockingly.
He turns red and rubs the back of his neck.

You check your the time on your phone.
"Ok I gotta be getting back." You say. "I'll see you again, maybe?"
Kai lowers his eyes and smirks. "Definitely"
You wave and start to walk away. You feel something brush up against your hand and see a paper folded up against your palm.

Hey. Wanna maybe hang out sometime?
If you want to, just text me. ;)

- Kai

You blush and hold the paper up to your chest.
You turn around to give Kai a mocking glare, but the red ninja was nowhere to be seen.

B/f/n was definitely upset for running away from her in the mall,
but YOUR mind was on a certain ninja.

Sorry if the story sucked. It's my first book and I hope you liked it anyway and I hope you can tell I put some effort into it.

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