Finding the girls (Edited)

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Kevin and Fawn McHale have been married for two years now and they were loving their married life together, and the only thing that could make it better was a child and they were trying to have one of their own it always ended in failure every time, so they were going to take a break from it, and if it happens it happens, they weren't too worried about it that much anyway  

"I love coming to the beach," Fawn says as she takes her socks off so she could feel the sand between her toes since the dogs were going to be playing in the water as well, and get each other wet as wet could be right now cause they loved having water fights    

"I love it here too," he says as he came close to her for a little bit 

"I can't wait to bring our kids here," she says as they went down to the water to splash each other a little bit

"I can't wait either they are going to be so perfect," he says as he takes his shirt off so he could get wet as well

"I know," she says as she took her clothes off cause she had her swimsuit on underneath her clothes

Kevin and Fawn had a good time in the water until they decided to get out and walk along the beach since it was so pretty, and they just wanted to be with each other

"I love nights like this Kevy," she says as she lays her head on his shoulder as they were walking with Kevin's dog Sophie and Fawn's dog Princess 

"I love them too I love the nights when I am with you," he says as he kisses her on the lips since he loved having her in his life 

"Ahh Kevin," she says as they kiss some more

"Let's do this more in private," he says as they head under the boardwalk so they could continue to make out a little bit

Fawn loved the nights when Kevin was really romantic and loved her for who she was, and she didn't have to pretend to be someone else with him 

"Kevin i think we should make sure the coast is clear before we do it," she says as she looks at him

"Good point and i want to do in a dry spot so we can watch the sunset," he says as he was looking to make sure no one else was there 

"I love watching the sunset with you," she says as they kiss some more 

"I know you do, and I brought us a picnic so we can watch the sunset and just enjoy the evening together," he says as he was looking at her

"That sounds lovely i will play with the dogs as i wait for you," she says as she looks at him as she went to find the perfect spot with the dogs since they were still playing with each other and that was okay with her

Fawn just laid back and enjoy the view and let the water relax her as well since she found it to be very soothing and relaxing as well when she listened to the water washing along the shore 


"Kevin i swear you are amazing you know that" she says as she finishes up eating 

"I know i am," he says as he was cleaning up the basket a little bit since he brought the bubbly with him to toast their marriage since it was going really well, and they were blessed to have each other

Fawn ran the basket to the car and Kevin just watched her and could not believe how beautiful she was and how lucky he was as well 

"These date nights with just the two of us are perfect and just what we need to escape everyday life," she says as she looks at him 

"I know they are," he says as he was kissing her since he loved her with all his heart 

Soon they were interrupted by crying 

"Kevin, do you hear that?" Fawn asks him as they pulled apart and she went to see where the crying was coming from 

"Yeah, it sounds like a baby, and they are really close by too," he says as he was following her so he could see where the baby was and if the parents were close by as well 

"It sounds like it's older sibling is not having much luck either," Fawn says as they were walking to where the crying was coming from as well 

Kevin and Fawn stumbled upon a scene that was tugging at their heart strings 

"Sissy mommy and daddy is not coming back at all they are in the ocean I am glad i was able to save us when i did," the sibling says as it was holing the baby in its arms to soothe it's cries as two more played in the sand 

"Kevin, it sounds like these kids were abandoned here," Fawn says as she looks at Kevin 

"I know and their parents must have been really depressed to have them drive into the ocean," he says as he looks at her as he looks at the scene before him 

"Kevin let's adopt them they need a good home and a good upbringing, and we can give it to them," she says as she was looking at him since she was serious about this, and she wanted this more then anything in the world  

"I know I want to adopt them too let's go and meet them and maybe we can take them home tonight where we can get them settled in," he says as they were heading to the girls to know their names and how old they are 

Fawn was smiling cause this was simply perfect for them cause she was finally getting the family she always wanted and dreamed of 

"Hi girls," Fawn says when she sees the girls for the first time slowly, so she didn't scare them 

The girls looks at her and they look at Kevin

"It's okay we don't bite we are very friendly," he says as he was going to pick the one girl up so he could hold her to help her out a little bit, so she didn't have that responsibility at all, and she was just going to be herself with him  

The girl went to Kevin and Fawn no problem the girl went to Fawn fine she was okay and wanted to be with Fawn more than anything while Kevin took care of the twins and the baby 

"I guess we have our family Kevin," Fawn says as she looks at Kevin 

"I guess we do don't we," he says as they were leaving with the girls who had their new family that loved them a lot already                                       

The twins were ready to go to sleep so Kevin tried to keep them awake for as long as he could until they got them home

"I'll hold the baby in the back with the girls," Fawn says as she approached their car 

Kevin had Sophie in the front while Princess was on the floor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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