Bey blushed a little and I laughed cause I already knew what she was thinking. "Baby, I'm not really in the mood for–"

"I'm not trying to have sex with you, Bey. Every time we shower doesn't lead to shower sex." I said. Bey raised her brow and I chuckled. "Aight, you right. But I know you're not in the mood tonight and I didn't plan on trying anything. Aye, better yet." I held up my finger and let Beyoncé go. She looked at me confused. "Get out of those clothes and put a robe on. I'll come get you in a few."


"Just do it Bey."

Bey smiled and shook her head before heading inside her closet. I went in our bathroom and did what I had to do. I made sure everything was set up damn near perfectly before going back out to get Bey. She was sitting on the bed, staring off at the wall. I frowned cause I knew she was stuck in her thoughts again.

"Come on baby." I said, grabbing Bey's hand. She looked up at me and smiled.

"What do you have planned?" She asked.

I laughed at the look she was giving me. She's so damn nosey, she don't like surprises but this wasn't that big of a deal. She can wait. "You'll see." I said. Bey rolled her eyes and I shook my head. This woman.

We walked into our bathroom and Bey gasped. I smirked and gave myself a pat on the back. I know I'm not the perfect husband, but I know how to treat my wife right. Even if it's some simple shit, I know what makes my girl happy. A nigga did that.


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"Baby." Bey looked at me smiling. "You did this?"

"Nah, Santa did." I said. Bey smacked my arm and I laughed. "Yeah babe, I did it for you. Now let's get in before the water gets cold."

Bey took off her robe and I stood back for a minute to appreciate what was mine.

"Stop staring." I heard Bey say. I took my eyes off her ass and laughed. "Perv." She added smiling.

"Not perv. I was admiring." I said. Bey shook her head and I took off my robe. Her eyes immediately went down. "Perv." I mocked her.

Bey looked at me quick. "Shut up."

I chuckled. We got in the bathtub and I leaned back while Beyoncé got herself settled. She laid down on top of me and hid her face in my neck. I ran my hands up and down her body, just trying to keep her as relaxed as possible. I could feel the tension radiating from my baby and I didn't like it. Bey is someone who naturally worries about everything, so I'm not surprised, I just wish she would put her mind at ease for a little while. She beats herself up over shit she can't control and I can't really do much aside from watching it happen. She don't listen to me.

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