Cas' Hell and Gabriel's Secret

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TW: Physical/mental/sexual abuse lead up to self harm I'll put this: # at the start and end of those scenes...

IDK I am not in the most stable place mentally and my next few chapters are probably going to reflect that because writing is the best medicine. Basically this is going to be depressing af because I'm depressing af. But you know what so was Hamlet and that's where "To be or not to be" is from so here. I'll probably come back and make a less depressing chapter to replace it when I'm less agh in my mind.


After sharing a slice of apple pie (they couldn't afford two because Cas suspiciously lost all the money he had in his trench coat pocket *glares at the three girls with them*), Cas' choice because Dean couldn't just decide he needed to think really hard about the decision (*cough* same... about everything...), and Cas asking Meg to check out his book, Dean and Cas left the bookstore.

They decided to look around the mall more. Dean had never really been there. It wasn't his thing, though he kept stopping at a little kiosk that sold adorable fuzzy stuffed animals. Dean especially liked the owl because it reminded him of Hedwig from Harry Potter (yes, Dean is a Potterhead shut up, jerk!), and he never quite forgave the *cough*evil*cough* author for killing her off. And Cas, being the observant S.O.B. he is, noticed this (not the Hedwig part but Dean's interest in the owl (warning you might hate me for this next part of the parentheses...) because Cas has never seen the movies or read the books (but he swears he'll get to them as soon as he's finished with everything else that is in his to read list that has a shorter series) (please don't kill me)).


Cas got home a little later than usual that night.

As soon as he walked through the door he was surrounded by the familiar sounds of his "parents" arguing. They weren't actually his or his brother's parents. He was adopted. As was Gabriel.

Cas noticed Gabe sitting on the stairs watching the argument going on below.

Cas slipped off his trench coat and hung it on one of the hooks next to the door. He slowly walks to join Gabe on the stairs.

"Hey," Cas says.


Cas sits a couple of stairs below Gabe. "What are they arguing about this time?"

"Well she found my um..."


"She found my Wattpad account and kind of looked at what I was writing and reading..."

"What exactly have you been reading and writing?"

"Let's just say that the Johnlock and Drarry fanfictions I read were not smutty before I found Wattpad."

"So they're arguing because she found out you were reading gay smut?"

"It's more the gay part I think. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm gay now."

"But you are. Well pansexual but--"

"But still attracted to guys. Especially small Moose in Trainings." (if Justin or Des read this I totally meant it from your guys' povs (hahaha no I didn't))

"Moose in training?"

Gabe sighs. "Sam. I mean Sam."

"Ah, gotcha."

"Wait, they're arguing because she thinks you're gay?"

"No, that's what started it. Now I'm not entirely sure what they're arguing about."

To Be or Not To Be ***CONTINUATION*** <<COMPLETED>>Where stories live. Discover now