Chapter 43: Leaving

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"I really think you should go in and make a statement. What he did was assault and he shouldn't get away with it." Sonny tries to convince me to tell Benson about what happened after I went over it again with him.

I shake my head, "it won't do anything. He's the friggen Governor Sonny. It'll just stir up something and that's the last thing we need right now."

He pulls me closer into his chest, "fine, but we're not staying here tonight. I don't care what the FBI says, they can't make us."

"Where will we go?" I ask him, "I don't want to go back to my apartment." I confide.

"We'll go to mine." He states firmly, "I'm off tomorrow and I'll figure out something for the other days. I'll keep you safe."

"If you're sure?" I say, not wanting to intrude on him.

He nods quickly, "I'm sure. Let's get our things and get out of here." He moves to sit up and begins gathering his things.

I also gather mine and after a bit later we are all packed up and bringing our bags out the door, "where are you going?" An agent asks us as we get to the front door.

"We're not staying here anymore." Sonny insists going over to him to collect his weapons he dropped off every time he walks in.

"No one's been approved to leave, I'm sorry but you can not go." The man tries to stop us.

Sonny argues, "we don't need approval to leave. We no longer feel safe staying here." He simply tries to put it. The man tries to argue further and Sonny doesn't let up, starting to get frustrated as he blocks our exit out.

He radios to someone and a few minutes pass before another agent and Charles come down from upstairs and over to us, "has your stay been unpleasant?" Charles asks eyeing us with concern as if he didn't grope me earlier in the day.

I can feel Sonny tense up and I step next to him with my hand on his arm to try and calm him, "we just feel like we are over welcoming our stay. We would like to leave and stay at Sonny's."

"We can not provide agents at that location." The agent with Mr. Morales leans over and tells him, loud enough for us to hear.

"We don't need agents, I'll be there, I'm well equipped to protect us," Sonny assures everyone in the room.

"It's best for you to stay here." The agent responds.

Charles holds up his hand, "now, we aren't going to force our guests to stay somewhere they don't want to stay. If you do not wish to be under our protection then you may go. Please, do come back if you change your minds." His eyes go between Sonny and I the whole time he's talking until his last sentence, "you are always welcome here Addison. Take care." He smiles his fake political smile like he actually gives a shit what we do and leaves the room.

The agent blocking our exit hands Sonny his weapons and moves out of the way. Sonny puts them away and leaves with both our bags in his hands. We get to the street and Sonny walks towards the car he drives here, "so Olivia's not gonna like us just leaving like that. I'm gonna have to go to the station and explain something to her." He bites at his lower lip thinking of a lie to say.

I sigh, not wanting to make things more complicated or messed up for him than I already have, "I can come with you and explain. But I'm not pressing charges or making a formal statement about it. Okay?" I make sure he understands that's what I want.

"If you're sure." He responds with a side nod.

"I am." I reiterate, really wishing things could be simpler.

Once we get inside, I walk behind him straight to Olivia's office, "Sonny, I thought you were off for the next 24 hours." I hear her address him when he opens the door a crack.

"Can we uhh come in for a bit?" He asks her, opening the door a bit more so she can see me.

"Of course, yes. Come in. Hello Addison, how are you?" She asks with a gentle smile, "take a seat.'

"Thank you," I say back walking in. "I am good Lieutenant Benson, how are you?"

She shakes her head, "you can call me Olivia now, please. I am doing alright. What are you guys doing here?" She looks at Sonny with confusion across her face.

He coughs lowly and answers her, "well, we're not going to be staying at the governor's anymore, we can't."

I can see her tense up a little but exhale quickly after lowering her shoulders back down, "Sonny, we can't just ignore the FBI, as much as I don't like it, they are on the case now." She lowers the glasses from her face about to say more.

"It's not that." He stops her from going on.

She waits for him to go on and he then looks at me, letting me know I'm up, "so, Charles Morales kind of groped me earlier today and I just can't be near him." I tell her, feeling self-conscious as I say it, looking at the floor like I did something wrong.

"He groped you?" She pushes for further detail.

"He grabbed my ass and propositioned me to work for him," I explain further.

She takes the glasses off of her face totally and looks at Sonny, "why didn't you bring him in for questioning?" She asks him.

"Because I am not pressing charges," I tell her quickly.

"Addison, what he did isn't okay. If you didn't want him to touch you, and he did, that's assault." She explains.

I explain now, "but he's the governor and I'm pretty sure it would take more than one ass grab to take him down, really, it's nothing I can't handle. I just can't stay or be around him, not alone anyways."

"Addison, you're probably not the only girl he's done this too." Olivia then looks to Sonny, "the apple may not fall far from the tree." She says to him, referring to Jacob.

Sonny hums out thinking about what she said and elaborates, "we could interview his female employee's, check his bank statements."

"Sonny, no. If you start digging around he'll know it's because I told you and you'll lose your job!" I plead with him again.

"Addison, I'm more worried about you and what he did than my job right now." He grabs a hold of my hand.

"But she has a point Carisi, we would need more than just Addison to do anything. Barba wouldn't even go near him with just one person's story." Benson sort of agree's with me but for different reasons. She puts her fingers to her dome and rubs them counterclockwise, "alright, Sonny, I know you don't like it but you're on paid leave until this is sorted out. Stay with Addison and watch your back."

"And Mr. Morales?" He asks, standing up with my hand still in his.

She looks up and replaces her glasses on her head, "I'll take care of that. Thank you for coming in and telling me Addison, it was brave of you. I do wish you would make a statement and you know where you can find me if you change your mind. I'll be in touch."

"Thanks," I mumble as we leave her office and head out to Sonny's apartment.

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