Yoongi: I know. Her body was cold but it was never paled. 

Jimin: What does that mean?

Yoongi: It means that there is a 50% chance that Sumi is still alive. So if she's really alive, she's out there somewhere. 

I couldn't believe of what I just heard. There is no way that Sumi would be alive all this time. No way, it's impossible. 

All three of us stole a footage from the hospital checking over the morgue room. I know it's creepy but I need to see it for myself. We were back at home, checking the footage. I check the timer of the footage and it was already 3 AM while this happen and nothing happened. Before I could finally turn it off, Jimin stopped me by holding onto my hand. I looked at him and Yoongi. 

Jimin: Look. There's someone walking into the room. 

I zoomed into the scene and there was someone walking into the room. Whoever it is, they pulled Sumi's body out and inject something into her body. Suddenly, Sumi woke up. 

I look at Jimin and Yoongi and they had the same expression. We then continue looking. Sumi got up from the stroller as the person gave her a robe to cover her up. Then they started having a conversation. 

Footage Conversation

Sumi: What took you so long? 

???: I'm sorry. It has to take longer than I thought it would. I have to find the right antidote to wake you up again. 

Sumi: Does it really have to take 2 months? 

???: Yes. 

Sumi: I was this close to being buried at my upcoming funeral. 

???: I'm sorry. You know that it's hard to sneak out of jail to come and get the antidote and come to you in the hospital. 

The person than took off their hoodie and shown their face clearly towards the camera. It was Yura. 

Yura: You're not really going to tell Jungkook and Jimin that you're alive. 

Sumi: Not yet. Not until I'm done dealing with dad. When everything is done, I'll go to them. 

Yura: What if they find out that you're alive before you get to them?

Sumi: Then I'll have to be kept hidden from them. I can't risk their life anymore, Yura. I've had enough of this. I guess I am better off alone then be with someone. 

Yura: I hope you're making the right choice here. 

Sumi: Where's Tyler? 

Yura: He's waiting for us outside the hospital. You know we're lucky that one of the officer is actually helping us. 

Before they could leave the room, Yura stopped her. 

Yura: Are you really not going to them? 

Sumi: I'm positive. I already said goodbye to them. I can't go back to them anymore, even if I want to. 

Footage Conversation End

The both of them then walked out of the room as the footage stopped rolling. 

Jimin: I still can't believe they tricked us like that? Why? 

Yoongi: Maybe to protect you two. 

"I mean it was only yesterday right. They could still be in Seoul. We need to find them. I need to find Sumi."

I got up from the couch as Yoongi stopped me from going towards my laptop. 

Yoongi: You seriously going after her? She clearly stated that she doesn't want to see you. 

"I don't care, hyung. I will find her no matter what."

Yoongi: What is it with you? Why are you so ... obsessed? 

"Because I love her hyung! No matter what choices she makes, I'll always love her. Even if her choices will hurt me, I still love her. I'll keep loving her no matter what."

Jimin walked up to Yoongi and held onto his shoulder. 

Jimin: We have to find them, hyung. No matter what, we have to find them and bring them back home. 

Yoongi was hesitating but in the end, he ended up going with my decision. 

"Thank you."

He nodded his head as he walked over to my laptop and did his thing to find people. I look at Jimin and he gave me a smile. 

Jimin: We'll find her, Jungkook. Don't worry. 

I nodded as I smile back at him. 

I'll find you Sumi and I'm bringing you home with me. Even if you disagree with me, I'll carry you on my shoulder if I have to. I'm not letting you go, EVER.



SIKE!!!! I fooled all of you!!! This story is not ending any time soon. There are more storyline to come in this story. I'm sorry if you guys are mad at me right now, but hey authors need to have some fun also. I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter and see you guys in my next update. BYE!!!

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