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Thomas, is it ok if I know who? "Uhh, yes I guess"she hesitantly says. "Ok." I say trying not to sound anxious."Wait, no, you will guess if you really want to know, along with some clues." She tells me with a smile. "Ok...uhhh, first clue.." she says. "Ive known him for two years, he has the prettiest blue eyes, and he has the nicest smile." She says slowly looking up at me. "This sounds like a great guy" "that also" she quickly tells me. "I dont know your friends or anyone your type." I reply. "One last hint" she says as if it were a deal. "Ok...." " he happens to be sitting with me in this room." Then my heart raced. I looked at her with the urge to want to hug. "Wow, I actually, I feel the" then I look away and clear my throat. " I feel the same way" I say looking back at her.
Shock filled my body and I felt a different feeling through my spine. "Ok, so now what" I ask after a few moments of silence. " I want to learn more things about you, cause, we've been ignoring each other after these couple of years." He told me looking sad cause of this. Then we looked at eachother in the eyes, then, soon enough, they locked. You just see  two most amazing blue eyes if you see how I see them. Then we got closer to each other. Then we heard his mom come home and it broke the silence, as well as the moment. "Hey mom!!!" He yells down the stairs. Then he whispers to me. Go out of the window and come to the door and knock. Then I was surprised. Ok. I whisper back as he opens the window. I exit the window and I hear, right as he closed his window his mother came in his room. That was really close. Then I run over to his door.
I heard a knock at the door and I was relieved, I thought, with no offence, that she would go home. "I'll get it." I tell my mom as I notice that she is sitting down on my bed. Then I walk down stair and open the door. "Oh hey, Tam." I try to say loud enough for my mom to hear. Then I take her up stairs to my mom. "Hey mom, you remember Tammy from across the street, right?" I ask my mom with a hopeful voice. " Yea, is this her?" I can see why she doesnt seem to know the answer to that, Tammy has changed in appearance in these last couple of years."yep" I say. "Nice to meet you, Thomas talks about you all the t_" "ok mom, I think you should finally get your sleep." I say, leading her to her room. "Oh, ok." She says,confused.
Then I look over at Tammy, and see her smiling, and then I smile back, kind of embarrassed.
I see him smiling, and I knew it would get me, so I got I long chill down my spine. After his mom got all the way out, he came and sat next to me on his bed. My heart jumped farther than it already had.

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