What He Said About You ~ Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

"God you're a fox!" The second girl said to Philip in a flirty way before giving me the death stare.

"And y'all look pretty good in your frocks, how about when I get back we all strip down to our socks?" Philip said while looking over to me.

"Okay!" They said in unison.

I grabbed Philips hand and walked away, just to show the girls he was definitely taken. Philip was able to tell what I was doing and kissed my forehead. There goes my face again, turning a bright pink.

Then it snapped. It was about his girlfriend. I'm his girlfriend!

"Philip, don't do this. I honestly don't care if he said shit about me. Just as long as your with me, I'm fine." I told Philip.

"No, I have to do what I must." Philip said to me putting both of his hands in mine and looking into my eyes.

I had no time to answer back by the time we got there. I just followed him in.

"George! George!" Philip said in the theatre.

"Shh! I'm tryna' watch the show!" George snapped back.

"You shoula' watched your mouth before you talked about my girlfriend though!" Philip said getting in his face.

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true. Your girl is a scoundrel, and so it seems are you." George said without a care.

I heard people in the audience go "ooooh!" This wasn't going to end well like Philip promised.

"It's like that?" Philip asked.

"Yeah, I don't fool around, I'm not your little schoolboy." George responded.

"See you on the dueling ground! That is unless you want to step outside and go now!" Philip ordered him.

"I know where to find you, piss off, I'm watching the show now." George responded.

Philip and I walked out and I slammed him against a wall.

"A DUEL?" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry [Y/N]! He can't say that about you! He called you a scoundrel just now!" Philip told me.

"I honestly don't care if he called me that! It's too late now to back out of the duel! Why did you do that?" I snapped back.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me, [Y/N], I want to protect you with all of my heart. I love you, [Y/N]." Philip told me.

"I-I love you too, Philip. I can't lose you. I don't know what I would do." I told him back. We both started to cry and then he pulled me into a kiss. The two girls that Philip was talking to earlier saw us and one of them pushed through us and grabbed Philip and kissed him.

"Stop! What the hell are you doing!?" Philip pushed away and said.

"I though you liked me. Whatever. Have fun with your slut!" They walked off after the one that kissed him said that.

"Philip can we go home, please." I told him.

"Of course." He grabbed my hand, kissed my forehead, and we headed home.

~Le time skip sponsored by Angelica's "WERK"ing~


I walked upstairs with [Y/N] to Pops office. Pops and I had a better relationship now and it would be better to tell him than Mom. I walked into his office and immediately starting talking with [Y/N] by my side.

"Pops, if you had only heard the shit they said about her! I doubt you would've let it slide and I was not about to!" I said.

"Slow down." Pops responded.

"I came to ask you for advice, this is my very first duel, they don't exactly cover this subject in high school!" I told him.

"Did your friend attempt to negotiate a peace?" Pops asked.

"He refused to apologize we had to let the peace talk cease." I answered.

"Where's is this happening?" He asked.

"Across the river in Jersey." I said.

"Everything is legal in New Jersey." We said in unison.

"Alright. So this is what your going to do. Stand there like a man until Eacker is in front of you. When the time comes fire your weapon in the air. This will put an end to the whole affair." Pops ordered.

"But what if he decides to shoot? Then I'm a goner!" I asked.

"No. He'll follow suit if he's truly a man of honor. To take someone's life that is something you can't shake. Philip, your mother can't take another heartbreak." Pops told me.

"Father-" I got interrupted.

"Promise me. You don't want this young mans blood on your conscience." Pops said.

"Okay I promise." I said back.

"Come back home when your done. Take my guns. Be smart. Make me proud, son." Pops told me.

"I will." I said back.

[Y/N] and I walked back to my room and I can tell she was furious, but sad at the same time.

"Philip. Please."

A/N - HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS 1,313 WORD CHAPTER LMAO. The chapter of the duel is gonna be like NSNSJAJAK. Bye lovelies.

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