Chapter 5: Apologies

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     I finally opened the door and walked in, seeing Zacky soundly asleep, I walked to the side of the bed and looked him over, dropping to my knees.

“I can’t believe I did this to you,” I whispered and Zackys eyes fluttered open.

“Brian?” he asked, pained, and looked over to me. My eyes filled with tears, he looked miserable and it’s all my fault.

“Yeah, babe, it’s me, I’m so sorry…I didn’t…I didn’t know what I was doing.” I said grabbing a hold of his hand.

“Its fine, babe, I shouldn’t of came up behind you like I did.”

“No, don’t blame it on yourself this was all my fault, it never should have happened. Zacky I’m going to make this up to you, I promise.” I said kissing his forehead softly as my phone went off. It was a text from Johnny,

“Forgot to tell you, they’re delivering Zacky’s pain meds to the house, should be there soon.” The doorbell rang right as I finished reading the text.

“I’ll be back baby,” I said grabbing his empty glass off the table.

“Okay,” was all he said.

Zackys pov

     I watched as Brian walked out of the room. Truth is, I’m beyond pissed and fed up with him. I’ve tried my hardest these last few years to help him, and to talk to him but he never opens up to me, and I’m his fucking husband, he should feel okay about talking to me about whatever it is. This whole thing is just so ridiculous, it should have never happened. That kiss with Johnny, I’ve been thinking about it, and at first it was just a big fuck you to Brian, but the more I think about it the more I realize that there was some meaning behind it. I always adored Johnny, but you know, he’s straight and all, but he didn’t object so I’m kind of wondering why, okay, not kind of, I am wondering why.

“Your pain meds are her,” Brian said walking in with them, a glass of milk and some eggs and toast.

“Good” I aid as I slowly sat up and realized just how much pain I was in.

“Careful babe..”Brian said as he handed me the pill and the milk.

“I’m alright,” I said as I took the pill and swallowed it with the milk. Brian handed me the plate and I scarfed down the food with the rest of the milk.

“I was starving,” I said handing the plate and cup back to him. He set them down on the night stand and sat on the edge of the bed, facing me.

“I could tell,” Brian said laughing a little. “Is there anything else you want me to do?” He asked.

“Uhm, well yeah help me get so I can go to the bathroom?”

“Of course baby,” he said and started to help me up. Shit man, who knew a bruised back could hurt this much? I wish it’ stop already so I didn’t need all this stupid help getting up and what not.

“Thanks, I got it now,” I said as he looked at me with his “No you don’t” look.

“Yes, I do, I’ll be right back,” I said kind of annoyed. He sighed and went to sit back down on the bed. I walked into the bathroom attached to our room and shut and locked the door.

     I gripped the counter top, leaning on it to take some of my weight off my back and looked into the mirror.

“Wow, now that’s some sexy shit right there,” I said bringing my hand up and traced it lightly over my eyes and nose. I need to clean this stupid thing. I slid open the glass and got our first aid stuff out. I took the gauze off slowly and then wiped at the cut with an alcohol pad. I hate that fucking stinging feeling. I put some ointment on the cut and put a new piece of gauze over it and taped it down, I’ll be glad when I can’t take this off tomorrow.

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