Chapter four: Something Unexpected

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Johnny's pov

I finally get to the hospital and I find Matt sitting forward in a chair, he was slouched forward with his head in his hands as Val sat next to him and rubbed his back.

“Hey man what’s going o-“

“Who’s here with Zachary Baker? A doctor came out of a door, interrupting me. Matt and Val stood up beside me and we all looked anxiously at the doctor.

“Ah what loving friends,” the doctor said smiling.

“More than friends,” I said and we all gave him a spill the news look.

‘I see, well  Zachary is doing just fine, but his nose is broken and he had to have stitches since it was split open across the bridge, it’s still very swollen and both of his eyes are blackened, his back is bruised pretty badly.  He needs to keep the wound on his nose clean, and he needs a lot of rest, he shouldn’t be moving around to much because of his back. All of this was explained to him and I have written out his prescription for pain medication, he will be released in about a half hour, can any of you take him home?.” The doctor asked looking between us three.

“ Johnny would you be able to take him home?” Matt asked me, “Me and Val really need to get back to Trevor and Kai, she’ll be waking up and I’m sure Trev is freaking out wondering what is going on.”

“Yeah man, it won’t be a problem, I’ll stay the rest of the night with him too, have you heard anything on Brian?” I asked, wondering how he was doing as the doctor nodded and walked off looking at his papers.

“No, we haven’t but I’m pretty sure they are going to hold him over night so he can sober up.” Val answered. “We are going to go ahead and go now, Charlotte should be coming soon, could you stay until then?” Charlotte is Arins mother.

“Yeah no problem, I need to go in and see Arin anyway, what room is he in? and I’ll probably go get some food,” I said rubbing my stomach, suddenly hungry.

“Oh no one is allowed to see Arin right now, nurses said no visitors at the moment unless it’s immediate family, and when are you not thinking about food?” Val said shaking her head as she took Matts hand.

“Oh okay, well, I really think we should be aloud to go see him, we technically are family but I guess I’ll just go get some food then,” I said to them.

“yeah I know, it’s dumb but nothing we can do, we’ll catch ya later, call me when you hear anything about him,” Matt said as they started walking out.

“Alrighty , will do, see ya later guys.” I said heading to the McDonald's on the floor below.

I stepped into the elevator and there was a teenage girl and her mother in there. The girls  eyes went wide when she saw me.

“OH. MY. GOD.”  She said staring at me blankly.

“What?!” Her mother asked giving me a weird look as I stepped in, ready for the girls reaction seeming how she obviously knew who I was.

“IT’S JOHNNY FUCKING CHRIST!” She all but yelled and lunged toward me wrapping me in a tight hug.

“Yepp ,it’s me,” I said laughing and hugging her back.

She let go of me and turned to her mom.

“Mom! It’s Johnny, it’s really Johnny! From Avenged Sevenfold!” she squealed turning back to me with a huge smile on her face.

Her mom then smiled at me.

“I can’t believe it’s you Johnny, oh my god, I never thought I’d get to meet you in person! Can I have your autograph pleaseeee?!” She said as we stepped out of the elevator.

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