Chapter 2: US Hail To the King tour

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We’re now in Las Vegas, Nevada for our final show of the US tour before going home.  I kind of can’t wait for it to be over. I mean I love touring and playing for our fans, but after a while you just want to go home. We walked out on to stage one by one, the crowd cheering as we each came out.

The concert went passed kind of in a blur, the only parts I really remember was Fiction, and when I had to play my solo with Arin. Matt demanded that I let Arin have a little solo and play along with me during my solo and it’s not like I was able to say no, the fans would love it and what Matt says is usually what goes weather we want it or not. I faced away from the fans for that part when Arin started because anger instantly washed over me and I didn’t want them to see. Arin saw though and he kept on playing anyway. The only good thing about it was the fans loved it. We finished the encores and said our thanks and goodbyes to our amazing fans and exited the stage. We all sat down and relaxed a bit before going out to do autographs.

We stood behind the table as hundreds of fans gathered around and waited and I trailed off a bit while signing.

~ It’s gotten a little easier for me to open up and be myself on stage since Rock in Rio, don’t get me wrong I still tear up, it still hurts so bad when we play Fiction. What gets me through it are the fans, all the chants they do, the singing along with us, the cheering, everything they do, helps me to pull through. It’s always such a true blessing to play for our fans. I mean there’s no way to even explain the way it makes us all feel when we walk on to the stage and hear everyone start screaming and yelling for us, and the cheering when we start up each song, or when I play beside Zacky, stuff like that just sends the crowd roaring and sends waves of happiness through us all.~

*** Sorry this parts kind of weird or whatever, couldn’t really figure out a way to write it. T-T it’ll get better I promise xD ***

“DAMNIT,” I said under my breath harshly as I walked away after signing a phone case for a fan. We were all standing in a line down the table to do signatures and of course every fan wanted ALL of our signatures, but each had their favorite. The kid I just signed wouldn’t shut up about Arin and it really irritated me as I tried to keep composed and just smile and nod at the kid. I watch him go to Matt next as I sign the copy of our new CD for a girl with long, brown curly hair, she was wearing a monster hoodie, hell yeah, and had her septum pierced, I could tell she was trying to keep herself composed but I know on the inside she was about to explode with the excitement of being right in front of me, I mean, come on, I’m Synyster fucking Gates. I give her a smirk as I hand her her copy back and she walked, pretty much all wobbly toward Matt. ***FUCK IDEK IF THEY DID SIGNATURES OR NOT BUT I WISH I REALLY DID GET ONE D:*** I laughed a little and seen the kid walk to Arin that was talking about him and he just went crazy, and I lost it. I had to leave and go back to the bus before I flipped shit in front of everyone. I heard a bunch of groans from the fans, but I couldn’t stay out there any longer.  

“I need to learn better self control.” I thought. “It’s been fucking months and I still have this undying hatred for Arin. I just don’t see how everyone could love him so fucking much for taking Jimmy’s place.” I say to myself hitting the side of the bus as I got to it. I bust my knuckle open. Great. I need to stop that too. I step onto the bus and wash off my knuckle and wrap a rag around it. Our driver was reading on the bus and he turned to look at me, I gave him a look and he turned around knowing I didn’t want to be talked too. I reached over to the mini fridge and grabbed a beer and popped the cap off on the little granite counter top and plopped onto the built in couch and kicked my feet up not even caring that my shoes were still on. Johnny will be mad but oh well, if he’s got a problem with it he can take off my shoes for me. I laugh at that because I know he will. I look over to the wall at Jimmy. I have a picture hanging of him everywhere, and I have one of him in my wallet. His face has to be around me all the time or I don’t feel right. I smile a bit and pull out my red 3ds. I put a death bat sticker on there to make it less plain and more bad ass looking. I started up Pokémon white. Even though I don’t like video games much Pokémon seems to calm me down sometimes because I just get so focused on the game that I don’t think about anything else. I’m on victory road almost to the Elite four and N and my legendary Pokémon. I’m such a nerd, I know. I have with me my level 69 serperior I nicknamed Adonis after my ball python at home. Serperior is a big snake like Pokémon and was my starter. My next Pokémon is a level 59 throh. ***(If you want to see these Pokémon just look them up on Google xD)*** next is a level 60 simisear, and a level 61 Zebstrika, level 49 unfezant that I just captured so it could learn the move Fly, and a level 25 panpour that I only took back out to learn surf. He really won’t be no help at all in the elite four or against N but oh well. I continue playing for a bit.

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