Chapter 3: Trouble at home

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Brian’s pov

I awoke myself when I yelled for Jimmy in my dream. I yelled it out loud and I’m glad it didn’t wake Zacky and hoped it didn’t wake anyone else. I’ve been doing this often. I have dreams of Jimmy and either wake myself up from saying his name out loud or yelling it. How I haven’t woke anyone, or I did and they just don’t say anything, I don’t know. I run my hand through my hair slicking it back and wipe the sweat from my forehead. I turned and sat on the side of the bed and put my head in my hands. Ugh, I just wish I could have one night of good sleep. I want to wake up feeling refreshed, not upset and..fuckin sweaty. I look back at Zacky. He was sound asleep, snoring softly. His face is like an angels, his skin always looks so soft. His lips were smooth, and you could see where his piercings were. His hair was a mess but it was still adorable, like always. I smiled and got up. I walked over  and put on my shorts, I don’t think anyone else besides Zacky would want to see my poke ball boxers. I laughed a little. I walked out of the room and Johnny was kicked back in the chair, Matt was at the end of the couch and Arin was laying the way I was when I got on the bus last night. Ryan sees me come out.

“Hey Syn, I’m about to stop at this next gas station and get some gas, oh yeah!” he said like he forgot something, “Wake them up, Matt said to wake them up and hour before we got there but I forgot and it’s like another half hour, sorry!”

“Alright” I say laughing a little because Ryan was so jumpy. “Chill dude, it’s fine” I said patting him on the back. He seemed to relax. I walked back and pushed Arin a little to get up.

“Get up,” I said. I walked over to Matt and flipped his hat up “Get up dude, we’re like a half hour away.”

“Sorry Matt!” Ryan yelled back. Matt grumbled something and pulled his hat back down.

I threw something at Johnny and he almost fell out of the chair he woke up so fast. I started laughing at him and he threw the bottle cap that was on the table at me.

“Dick,” he said sitting up and leaning on the table, putting his head in his hands.

“I know,” I said smirking and reaching back to tap Matt a few times. “Get up bro, figure out where we are going to stop for breakfast and let Ryan know. I’m going to get Zee up. “ Matt sat up and took his hat off running his hand through his weird little hair cut, he looks so funny, but Johnny said he had to do it, so he did. I walked back to the back room and closed the accordion like door. I climbed in bed close to Zacky and kissed his lips and ran my hand through his hair. He stirred as I leaned back and he fluttered his pretty little eyes open and looked over at me and gave me a little smile.

“Morning baby boy,” I said quietly, smiling at him and looking into those beautiful green eyes of his.

“Mornin’” he said sleepily. I leaned down to kiss him and he brought his hand to my cheek like he always does and rubs it with his thumb while kissing me. I pulled back after a few seconds and sat up on my knees and started pulling on his hand.

“C’mon Zee, time to get up!” I said gently pulling on his hand. He groans.

“I don’t want to,” He quickly brings his other hand up and grabs mine and pulls me down on him.

“oof,” I grunted falling on top of him. “Ohhh hey there,” I said winking at him. He got this wild look in his eyes and I leaned down to kiss him. I get inches from his lips and Johnny slams open the door.

“get the hell up boys, get out here and stretch ya legs and get some fresh air,” he said full of energy now. We both groaned and I got up off of Zacky and pulled on him to get up.

“c’mon sexy boy.” I said smiling.

“Oh god just come onnnn,” Johnny said coming in and pulling Zacky up out of bed. “WOAH BOXERS AND uh..yeah.” Johnny said as he let go of Zacky and left the room laughing.

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