Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Three weeks later found Selene and Zorro inseparable. He came to the bar every night and they would talk and drink for thirty minutes before he would drive her home. She didn’t show him that she liked him. She didn’t indicate to him that she did in anyway. She just showed the face of a friend. They hadn’t kissed since that night three weeks ago and she hadn’t seen Adrian in that time period either. She had seen his brothers Aeneas and Alessandro, however. They came to the bar almost every night and watched her and Zorro. She didn’t know why they came at all. If she didn’t know better she would say that they were watching over her but that would be ridiculous.

“Hey Selene,” Alessandro said pulling her away from her conversation from Zorro.

She sighed in annoyance. They both had a habit of doing that whenever she was talking with Zorro. Almost as if they wanted to keep them apart. They wouldn’t be able to. She liked Zorro a lot. Everyday improved the things that she liked about him. She honestly didn’t regret being an acquaintance well on the way to becoming friends with him either. Everyday proved to her that he was an honorable man. The fact that he sold drugs didn’t detract from that either. His choice in lifestyle hadn’t ruined his personality. It was vivid, shiningly noticeable to her and she could see the good in him. There had been a few times that she had seen a coldness in his eyes but it was never directed to her it was to the people who came to see him sometimes.

She knew what he was but she also knew he didn’t distribute in the bar either. It was just simple talk. Talk about things that she would never understand. She had felt a vast improvement within herself. She was becoming better at reading others. She could feel the emotions and more often than not knew exactly what they wanted to drink before they did. Some part of her told her to explore it but the logical part argued that she was just getting to know her customers and what they liked.

“What can I get you?” she sighed, her hands grabbing a bottle of rum and coke as she spoke.

“Rum and Coke,” he said.

She pushed the glass toward him and he watched her with surprise. “How’d you—“

“You order it often,” she said cutting him off.

She turned to walk back toward Zorro but he called her back. She sighed loudly.

“What is it now?”

He rolled his eyes. “So who’s the guy you’re talking to?” he asked.

She sighed in exaggeration, highly irritated. “What’s it to you?” she snapped.

He looked at her with cold eyes and she rolled her eyes. Who the hell did he think he was? She wasn’t scared of him or his cold eyes. She didn’t know why he was there to begin with and she didn’t care. She was quickly tiring of the two of them. They seemed hell bent on taking the pleasure out of her evenings. They always wanted drinks and then after annoying her with their orders of drinks, Aeneas would try to strike up a conversation while Alessandro would watch her with cold eyes. She assumed it was because of what had happened two weeks ago but now she was starting to think that it had something to do with the fact that she talked to Zorro and gave him more attention than any other man in the room.

“Let’s go into the fact that a woman who claims she has no interest in men suddenly finds interest in a man and still has no space for other men,” he retorted.

She put her hand on her hip, leaning back slightly. Oh no the hell he didn’t, she thought. I will kick his ass getting smart with me like that. What was his fucking issue? She gave him the drinks that he wanted and he still had problems with her and now apparently he was jealous of Zorro. What the hell was wrong the D’Avranches family? They were a weird set and she found herself staying away from them. Waking up early and going for runs in the neighborhood had worked just fine with her until she had started seeing Adrian’s brothers everywhere. It seemed every corner she turned revealed one of the brothers. It was wearing on her nerves. They were turning out to be pests.  

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