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| Forever With You

I remember.

The gray eyed fiend.

And I reminisce his words,
His incantation.

"Great is the daughter of Heaven who tortures babies
Her hand is a net, her embrace is death
She is cruel, raging, angry, predatory
A runner, a thief is the daughter of Heaven

She touches the bellies of women in labor
She pulls out the pregnant women's baby
The daughter of Heaven is one of the Gods, her brothers
With no child of her own.

Her head is a lion's head
Her body is a donkey's body
She roars like a lion
She constantly howls like a demon-dog."

I feel something wet on my face.

Looking up,
My eyes meet with a sea of blue.

You have awakened me.

"...I do not want to return to the past."

"As you wish."

I hear his answer,
And for the first time,
I feel relief awash my being.

I am just a banished devil.

Wherever Xyro and his grapes are,
That's where my home is.

Wherever Xyro and his grapes are,That's where my home is

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☑ | Banished DevilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora