Chapter 1.

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As always I introduce a majority of my characters in a third person point of view, and in the first few chapters so bear with me and I hope you guys enjoy the book! 

*Also the Artist of my cover photo is Krisztian Tejfel. 


Damien usually slept peacefully through the night. How could he not with the perfect sea breeze floating in from the open window and the warm body of his wife snuggled into his side comfortably?

The tiny pitter patter of equally tiny feet was what kept him awake.

His fine tuned ears had picked up the sound of his three year old daughter Ella running back and forth in her room for almost an hour. It had started at two am and here it was almost three. 

For a few minutes they had briefly stopped and he thought she'd climbed back into bed and gone back to sleep like she was supposed to be doing all along. He knew it was a horrible idea to switch her into a regular bed this early. But Cara had insisted, saying she was a big girl and could handle it.

And Ella could most certainly not handle it because the door to their bedroom was being opened moments later.

Damien sighed heavily and turned over to look down at his daughter who was peering right back up at him.

"Ella it is three am." He said simply as he released Cara from his hold. She sighed in her sleep and rolled into the warm pocket that he left as he sat up.

"My turtles Daddy." She whispered hastily.

He looked over her and saw she had on her polka dot rain boots and one of her play binoculars was hanging around her neck.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was a feared man out in the real world... yet here he was having a conversation about turtles with his three year old in the dead of night.

She was obsessed with Turtles. She had everything in her room decorated with sealife and turtles to be specific.

She didn't care for dolls. It thoroughly frustrated his very Italian mother who loved to dress her up in frilly dresses. Only to find she'd gone exploring in the mud.

"We can talk about turtles and your problems with staying in your bed in the morning." Damien finally grumbled when he stood up.

He grabbed for Ella's hand but she pouted and stomped her foot. "Daddy my Turtles are hatching!" She whined.

Damien stared down at her with a blank look on his face. "Are you seriously throwing a temper tantrum right now?"

She pouted and plopped down on the floor with a squeak from her rubber shoes.

He closed his eyes again, this time to gather himself. To figure out if he was going to have to drag her out of here screaming. But he didn't have to.

Cara made that decision for him.

"Damien take her to see the stupid turtles so she can go back to bed..." She grumbled from her spot still in bed.

He rolled his eyes.

"If we had just kept the crib this would not be happening." He grumbled as he took up Ella's hand.


Ella practically led him in to the nest of sea turtles that true to her word were hatching. She'd been so excited she shrieked with laughter and almost dropped her little Doc Mcstuffins flashlight.

"They're hatching Daddy!" She giggled as she tugged him closer.

He squatted down in the sand and held her just so she didn't get too close to them.

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